Best Colleges: Certificate & Diploma in Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations (Marketing, Advertising & Public Relations) course in Kenya
Below here is a list of some of the renown schools, colleges and Universities offering Certificate and Diploma in Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations (Marketing, Advertising & Public Relations) Course in Kenya
Colleges & Schools Offering Certificate and Diploma in Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations (Marketing, Advertising & Public Relations)
- African Institute of Research and Development Studies, Bungoma Town Campus
- African Institute of Research and Development Studies, Kericho Town Campus
- African Institute of Research and Development Studies, Kisumu City Campus
- African Institute of Research and Development Studies, Mombasa City Campus
- African Institute of Research and Development Studies, Nairobi City Campus
- African Institute of Research and Development Studies, Nakuru Town Campus
- Africo Business College, Nairobi
- Ammarcom Institute, Mombasa
- Ark School of professionals, Nyeri
- Bridge College, Nairobi
- Brilliant Institute, Githurai
- Career Training Centre, Nairobi
- Carlile College, Nairobi
- Carol College, Nakuru
- Chako Training Centre, Nairobi
- Channel Institute, Nairobi
- College of Advanced Technology, CAT, Nairobi
- Compuera College, Nairobi
- Computerways Computer Training Institute, Nairobi
- Consolata Institute of Communications and Technology, Nyeri
- Copper Belt College, Machakos
- Cornerstone Training Institute, Nairobi
- Crossworld Institute of Professional Studies, Nairobi
- Cybernetics Computer Training Institute, Mombasa
- Dal-Rich College of Business Studies, Nairobi
- Dawn to Dusk College, Eldoret
- Dreamline College, Nairobi
- Dynamic College of Professional Studies, Ongata Rongai
- East Africa School of Management, Nairobi
- Eldo-Mwangaza Institute of Accountancy and Commercial Studies, Eldoret
- Eldoret Splendid College of Computer Training, Eldoret
- Elgon View College, Eldoret (Main Campus), Eldoret
- Ellect Training College, Nakuru
Schools, Colleges & Universities offering Certificate Higher Diploma and Diploma in Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations (Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations) Course in Kenya, Intake, Application, Admission, Registration, Contacts, School Fees, Jobs, Vacancies - Embu College, Embu
- Empire College, Meru
- Faithlink Network Systems School of Business Studies and Computer Training, Nairobi
- Focus Business Institute, Nairobi
- Foresight Institute of Logistics and Business Studies, Nairobi
- Foundation Institute of Professionals, Nairobi
- Freuki College, Muranga
- Frontier Institute of Professional and Management Studies, Garissa
- Futurecom institute of professional studies, Nairobi
- Gakeo College of Business Studies, Thika
- Githunguri Institute, Githunguri
- Graffins College Kenya Cinema Campus, Nairobi
- Graffins College Westlands Campus, Westlands
- Green African Multiversity, Meru
- Hemland College, Thika
- Horizon Business Training Institute, Nairobi
- Hosannah Institute of Professional Studies, Kerugoya
- ICS Training Services, Nairobi
- Imara College, Nairobi
- Imenti College, Meru
- Insight Commercial College, Limuru
- Institute of Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering, Nakuru
- Institute of Business and Professional Studies, Nairobi
- Institute of Computer Education, Nairobi
- Integrity School of Management, Nairobi
- International Centre for Tourism and Foreign Languages, Nairobi
- International College of Professionals, Nairobi
- Intraglobal Training Institute Nakuru, Nakuru
- Jaffery Institute of Professional Studies, Mombasa
- Jamia Training Institute, Nairobi
- Jodan College of Technology Thika Main Campus
- Jogoo Commercial College, Nakuru
- Joo’s School of IT & Management Studies, Bungoma
- Josneb Commercial College, Muranga
- Kabete Polytechnic Training College, Nairobi
- Kabete Technical Training Institute, Kabete
- Kenafric College of Professional Studies, Nairobi
- Kentrac College, Nairobi
- Kenways Institute of Professional Studies, Mombasa
- Kenya College of Commerce and Hospitality Mombasa Campus
- Kenya College of Commerce and Hospitality Rongai Campus
- Kenya College of Commerce and Hospitality Uganda, Kampala
- Kenya College of Commerce and Hospitality Utawala Campus
- Kenya College of Management & Information Technology, Nairobi
- Kenya Institute of Applied Sciences, Eldoret
- Kenya Institute of Business and Counselling Studies (KIBCO), Nairobi
- Kenya Institute of Management KIM, Nairobi
- Kenya Institute of Professional Studies, Nairobi
- Kenya International Institute of Business Studies, Nairobi
- Kenya Polytechnic University College, Nairobi
- Kenya School of Professional Studies, Nairobi
- Kiambu Institute of Business Studies, Kiambu
- Kings College, Kasarani
- Kisumu Polytechnic, Kisumu
- Kitengela Institute of Professional Studies, Kitengela
- Korisi Commercial College, Kisii
- Leaders Institute of Business Studies, Nairobi
- Legacy College of Business Studies, Nairobi
- Little Flower Institute, Nyeri
- Magan College of Business and Information Technology, Nairobi
- Magenta Training Institute, Nairobi
- Makini College, Nairobi
- Makupa Commercial College, Mombasa
- Malta Training & Management Consultancy, Mombasa
- Mathenge Institute of Technology, Othaya
- Medibaw Institute of Industrial Technology, Nairobi
- Memon College, Mombasa
- Mombasa School of Accountancy, Mombasa
- Muranga Institute of Science and Management Studies, Kiriaini Campus
- Nairobi Institute of Business Studies Ongata Rongai campus, Nairobi
- Nairobi Institute of Business Studies, Nairobi
- Nairobi Institute of Business Studies, Ruiru Campus
- Nelson’s Banking & Business Institute, Nairobi
- NYS Institute of Business Studies, Nairobi
- Othaya Teachers College, Othaya
- Palmax business & ICT college, Karatina
- Parapet Hospitality and Business Institute, Nairobi
- Patana Institute, Mombasa
- Path Institute of Technology and Entrepreneurship, Kitengela
- Pinnacle Business School, Nairobi
- Pinnacle College of Professional Studies, Nyeri
- Pinnacle School of Business, Nairobi
- Posco Executive College, Thika
- Premier College of Professional Studies, Nairobi
- Premier Institute of Professional Studies, Nairobi
- Promasta Hotel and Catering School , Kenya
- Rahabel College, Nairobi
- Rashban College, Nairobi
- Reward Institute of Professional Studies, Thika
- Rifkins Business College, Mombasa
- Rift Valley Institute of Business Studies, Nakuru
- Rosetta Business College, Nairobi
- Royal Business School, Nairobi
- Rural Aid Training Institute Athi River Campus
- Rural Aid Training Institute Nairobi Campus, Nairobi
- Serengeti Institute, Thika
- Siaya Institute of Technology, Siaya
- Skynet Business College, Nairobi
- Skytech Aviation College International, Nairobi
- Skyways Aviation Training Institute, Nairobi
- Starnet College, Nairobi
- Superhighway Training Centre, Thika
- Temple Business Training Institute, Nairobi
- The Kenya Airways Pride Centre, Nairobi
- The Rocky Mirror College, Kapsabet
- The Springboard College, Nairobi
- Thika institute of business studies highway campus, Thika
- Thika institute of business studies Town campus, Thika
- Thika Institute of Business Studies, Thika
- Turine Commercial College, Nyeri
- Valley Business School, Nairobi
- Valley College, Litein
- Wagemar Institute of Professional Studies, Nairobi
- Weaver College, Thika
- Western College of Economics and Business Studies, Nambale
- Western Kenya College of Economics & Business Studies, Vihiga
- Wisemen School of Management, Nairobi
- Zetech College Agriculture House Campus, Nairobi
- Zetech College Church House Campus, Nairobi
- Zetech College Pioneer Campus, Nairobi
- Zetech college Stanbank campus, Nairobi
Universities Offering Certificate and Diploma in Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations (Marketing, Advertising & Public Relations)
Certificate and Diploma in Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations (Marketing, Advertising & Public Relations) County wide Coverage in Kenya
The above listed colleges offering Certificate and Diploma in Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations (Marketing, Advertising & Public Relations) Course in Kenya, cover all these counties; Mombasa County, Kwale County, Kilifi County, Tana River County, Lamu County, Taita-Taveta County, Garissa County, Wajir County, Mandera County, Marsabit County, Isiolo County, Meru County, Tharaka-Nithi County, Embu County, Kitui County, Machakos County, Makueni County, Nyandarua County, Nyeri County, Kirinyaga County, Murang’a County, Kiambu County, Turkana County, West Pokot County, Samburu County, Trans-Nzoia County, Uasin Gishu County, Elgeyo-Marakwet County, Nandi County, Baringo County, Laikipia County, Nakuru County, Narok County, Kajiado County, Kericho County, Bomet County, Kakamega County, Vihiga County, Bungoma County, Busia County, Siaya County, Kisumu County, Homa Bay County, Migori County, Kisii County, Nyamira County, Nairobi County,