Kihuyo Secondary School KCSE Results, Location, Fee Structure, Telephone Number, Email, Website, Contacts, Postal Address

Kihuyo Secondary School is a Public Secondary School, located in Municipality near Nyeri Town, Nyeri Town Constituency in Nyeri County, Kenya.

Kihuyo Secondary School

Physical Location: Municipality in or near Nyeri Town, Nyeri Town Constituency, Nyeri County, Kenya
Postal Address: P.O. Box 234 – 10100 Nyeri, Kenya

Telephone/Mobile Number

Telephone Number: Not Available

Email Address

Email Address: Not Available, Get an Email for Your School


Website: Not Available, Get a Website for Your School (Ksh. 5000)


School Fees Structure and Bank Account

Fee Structure: Pending Update

KCSE Results, Result Slip Download

KNEC KCSE Results Online

School Education Level

Public Secondary School

School Motto, Vision and Mission

School Motto:Pending Update
School Vision:Pending Update
School Mission:Pending Update

Kihuyo Secondary School KCSE Results, Location, Fee Structure, Telephone Number, Email, Website, Contacts, Postal Address
Kihuyo Secondary School KCSE Results, Location, Fee Structure, Telephone Number, Email, Website, Contacts, Postal Address

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