Vincent Musyoka Musau – Biography, MP Mwala Constituency, Machakos County, Wife, Family, Children, Age, Wealth
Vincent Musyoka Musau profile
Eng. Vincent Musyoka Musau was born in Machakos County. He is one of the youngest MPs in the 11th Parliament. He is the Member of Parliament for Mwala Constituency in Machakos County.
He was elected to the 11th Parliament under the Chama Cha Uzalendo Party ticket in the CORD Coalition. His predecessors to the same seat are;
1988 – 1992 was Gideon Nzioka Wambua on a KANU ticket in the One-party system.
1992 – 1997 was Peter M. Kavisi under KANU ticket
1997 – 2002 was John Mutua Katuku under SDP ticket
2002 – 2007 was John Mutua Katuku under NARC party ticket
2007 – 2013 was Daniel Muoki under ODM-Kenya party ticket
In the National Assembly he is a member of the Departmental Committee on Energy, Communications and Information from March 2013.
Vincent Musyoka Musau has spoken 90 times in Parliament since 2013.
Vincent Musyoka Musau Education Background
From 1995 – 1998 he was a secondary school student at Machakos School.
From 2000 – 2005 he was an undergraduate Student at the University of Nairobi pursuing B.Sc. Electrical & Electronics Engineering.
Vincent Musyoka Musau job history
Eng. Musyoka Musau is Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of his own company Tekno International Kenya.
He was also the National Advisor in Robotics of the Ministry of Information and Communication.
Vincent Musyoka Musau accused of corruption in Machakos
In August 2014, Eng. Musyoka was alleged of inflating fleet management tender quotation up by 28m for the county government of Machakos and being Governor Mutua’s sycophant.
“We have information that you were given a tender to install all the county vehicles with car tracking devices and a fleet management. The tender was inflated from Sh2 million to Sh30 million,” Mumo, an angry man said.
The argument lasted for about 15 minutes with Musyoka dismissing the residents as being Senator Johnstone Muthama’s supporters.
Musyoka challenged anybody with evidence on the said tender deal to produce it and stop soiling his name.
He said he will defend Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua’s projects. Musyoka said those critcising him are short sighted people.
Vincent Musyoka Musau video
Vincent Musyoka Musau Contacts
Telephone: 0725234097