RUMOUR: What JANET did to her pregnancy will leave you shocked, Is her hubby aware?
Citizen TV anchor, Janet Mbugua, is alleged to have induced her labour so that she gives birth on the same date President Uhuru Kenyatta was born.

Apparently, the sultry talented TV anchor wanted to give birth on October 26, the day Uhuru Kenyatta was celebrating his 54th birthday because she wanted her son, Ethan Huru, to share the same birthday with the President.
Inducing labour is when your health care provider gives you medicine or uses other methods to start your labor before time.
Word has it that Janet wasn’t supposed to give birth on the 26th but she induced labor for her son to share the same birthday with President Uhuru Kenyatta.
The popular anchor has been trying to make her pregnancy a big deal and this has elicited mixed reactions from her fans and other Kenyans.
If this rumour that she went to the extent of inducing labour so that her son Ethan Huru can share the same birthday with Uhuru Kenyatta is true, then this is just a new low.