President Donald Trump hates Kenya with Passion – Shocking Revelations
Wow! Wow! Wow! What a tragedy for Kenya now that the bigot, Donald J. Trump, has been found fit by the people of The United States of America to lead the world to a new order. What does a Donald Trump Presidency mean for Kenya? I will show you that President Donald Trump hates Kenya with Passion …
Kenyans fear and hate Donald Trump in equal measures
Kenyans and the government never at any single time dream that Donald Trump would ever emerge the POTUS.
During the US campaign Period, President Obama’s half-brother Malik Obama came out in support of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump over Democrat Hillary Clinton. Kenyans and mostly Obama’s relatives Nyanza region were very angry over that act of betrayal.
Local leaders and close relatives of Mr. Obama, met to place a curse on Malik Obama. Threats of violence were even made against Malik Obama.
“We have decided to curse him,” said James Otieno, a clan elder. “He is not one of us here because he is eating with the enemy. Why can he disown Obama, who is respected around the globe? Obama’s presidency has helped this village.”
Donald Trump hates Kenya and Kenyans with Passion
Donald Trump has expressed his deep disgust for Kenyans by always using Kenya as an example of anything bad that can happen to anyone in life.
These are some of the shocking statements made by Donald Trump regarding Kenya.
Donald Trump bad-mouthed Africans by referring to them as “lazy fools only good at eating, lovemaking and thuggery.” Speaking in Indianapolis, Trump reiterated his promise to deport Africans especially those of Kenyan origin including their son Barrack Obama if he becomes President of the US.
“African Americans are very lazy. The best they can do is gallivanting around ghettoes, lamenting how they are discriminated. These are the people America doesn’t need. They are the enemies of progress. Look at African countries like Kenya for instance, those people are stealing from their own government and go to invest the money in foreign countries. From the government to opposition, they only qualify to be used as a case study whenever bad examples are required. How do you trust even those who have ran away to hide here at the United States hiding behind education? I hear they abuse me in their blogs but I don’t care because even the internet they are using is ours and we can decide to switch it off from this side. These are people who import everything including matchsticks. In my opinion, most of these African countries ought to be recolonized again for another 100 years because they know nothing about leadership and self governance”
“I promise to make America great again by restoring our dignity that we have since lost through Obama. The more reason why I still believe that he, and his Kenyan brothers and sisters should be deported back to Kenya to make America safe”
During a September 2015 campaign rally at Iowa, United States of America, Donald Trump made a derogatory comment about the Kenyan winners of the IAAF Olympics in Beijing, China, calling them cheats and con-men. They had won $7,194,000 in prize money. “Look at them, all of them, don’t you see frauds”, Trump asked.
As at the time of the statement, little did Trump know the wrath he would incur from Kenyans especially those based in the United States. Kenyan twitter started a social media campaign #SomeoneTellTrump as a way of addressing his public display of hatred towards Kenyans.
After Trump’s derogatory comments about the Kenyan athletes and their fellow citizens, Kenyan millionaire, Gideon Munguti promised to hit back at Donald Trump for his comments. Munguti threatened to teach Trump a life-long lesson for his negative utterances against Kenyans.
Munguti begun mass producing toilet paper with Donald Trump’s face all over it. As shown below, Trump is wearing an ugly facial expressions, one of his many iconic expressions which have earned him a spot in funny memes currently circling the internet.

Munguti said “Trump deserves to wipe all shit and escort it to destination”.
What Donald Trump thinks of Raila Odinga
During campaigns at Knoxville Convention Center, CNN’s Chief International Correspondent Christiane Amanpour asked if Donald Trump hates Kenya. This is what Donald trump had to say,
“I have no issues with Kenyans whatsoever except for a few things that make me sick. You have heard a lot about opposition leader Raila Odinga. His history speaks well of himself although he has won the election twice but denied victory. To me, he is the right man for the top Kenyan job” Responded Trump.
What Raila Odinga thinks of Donald Trump
In August 2016, Cord leader Raila Odinga endorsed Hillary Clinton for the US presidency. He had attended the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia where Clinton officially accepted her nomination as the Democratic party presidential candidate.
Raila Odinga said that he does not support Donald Trump because the Republicans do not have a policy on Africa. “I don’t know if the Republicans have a policy on Africa. If they have it, I did not hear it,” he said.
What Donald Trump thinks of Uhuru Kenyatta
In December 2015, Speaking to an ABC News pressman after his meeting with black pastors, Donald Trump said that Uhuru Kenyatta, has failed to lead by example.
“You see I have been right all along. Uhuru Kenyatta is a dangerous conman that cannot be entrusted with the leadership of a country let alone the chairmanship of even a funeral committee. How can this man carry 23 of his relatives to Paris at the detriment of poor Kenyans? How can he take with him his daughter to a forum she has idea about? What does Guinea as – he struggled to mention Ngina – know about climate change? Can she even define the term climate? This man is simply a tourist who loves to holiday around the world. Since he went to the “white House”, he has made more trips to foreign countries compared to his own country. I don’t know Kenya well and I have never stepped foot there but my intelligence tells me that ever since he was elected, Mr. ‘Keniatta’ has never stepped foot in the North Eastern Province. People say that I hate these Africans, no it is the ridiculous things they do that I hate. How do you carry the entire community to a climate Change forum at the expense of poor denizens? Is this not a fellowship of con-men?I hear he sends to jail bloggers from the opposition side and whoever criticizes him. Freedom of Press must be espoused by all leaders including Mr. Keniatta” Answered Mr. Trump
Donald Trump on AGOA
Now that Donald Trump has won the US presidency by promising the Blue-collar job Americans that he will bring back jobs to America from countries like China, what will be the fate of our AGOA?
AGOA is a very opportune window for Kenya and Africa to do business with the wealthy US. If Trump wants to bring back jobs to the US then we as Africans and especially Kenyans are doomed since most of our exports to the US are from the EPZ’s textiles which form a lions share of our AGOA exports.