The origin of April Fools Day – Where did April fools day come from?
Some historians believe that it started back in 1582. That year France moved from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian. However, not everyone got the memo. So those poor saps — who didn’t realize that the new year had moved to January 1 — continued to celebrate it during the end of March to April 1. People mocked them and even put fish on their backs calling them “poisson d’avril” or April fish, meaning they were easily caught.
Whatever the roots for the day, it seemed to catch on in Britain in the 18th century. In Scotland, people would participate in the event, which took place over two days, rather than just one. They would be sent on fake errands and even have signs put on their backs (maybe that’s how the whole “Kick me!” thing started).
History of April fools Day – What year did April Fools Day begin
April 1st is named April Fools Day after Steve April. He was born on 1st April 1579. He did 105 businesses in his lifetime. He lost all his fathers assets and so everyone started calling him father of all fools.
At 19, he married a 61 years old woman who divorced him after a year because of his foolishness. He used to read all kind of fake jokes like you are doing right now.
April Fools Day Jokes in Kenya
Hey U Know Which is the best day to propose a girl?
April 1
U Know Why?
If she accept its your luck otherwise just tell her April Fooooll…
If today anyone talks & praises you for your
- good looks
- nature
- style
- attitude
Kick them off.
A study has proved that all fools use their THUMB while reading a SMS. Now its too late don’t try 2 change your finger! Catch another fool!