Gathaithi Secondary School, Githunguri Details

Gathaithi Secondary School Exam Results, Location, Contacts, Telephone Number, Email, Website, KCPE/KCSE Results

Gathaithi Secondary School is a Public County Secondary School, located in Githunguri near Kiambu Town, Githunguri Constituency in Kiambu County

Gathaithi Secondary School

Physical Location: Githunguri in or near Kiambu Town, Githunguri Constituency, Kiambu County, Kenya
Postal Address: P.O. Box P.O. Box 79800900 Kiambu, Kenya

Telephone/Mobile Number

Telephone Number: Not Available

Email Address

Email Address: Get an Email for Your School


KCPE/KCSE Results, Results Slip Download

To view the High Schools results follow this link KCSE Results Online
To view the Primary Schools results follow this link KCPE Results Release


School Education Level

County Public Secondary School

School Motto, Vision and Mission

School Motto:
School Vision:
School Mission:

Gathaithi Secondary School
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