List of Kenya’s highest salaried Radio Presenters and how much they earn
1. Maina Kageni, Classic 105 – Ksh 1.8 million
Maina Kageni is one of the most popular radio presenters in the Country and although he has been receiving a backlash over the content aired on his show, he keeps on gaining more audience.
His salary was initially Ksh 1 million but was raised to Ksh 1.8 million after he threatened to resign.
2) Churchill, Classic 105 – Ksh 1 million
He hosts his morning show alongside Maina Kageni and Radio Africa pays him Ksh 1 million to discuss garbage with Maina in the morning.
3) Mbusii – Radio Jambo.
Mbusii was poached from Ghetto Radio where he was being paid peanuts but now pockets Ksh 600,000 a month.
4) Kalekye Mumo, KISS 100 – Ksh 300,000
She hosts a popular morning show alongside Shaffie Weru and sources at Radio Africa intimate that she earns something in the region of Ksh 300,000 a month.