Kenya College of Commerce and Hospitality Contacts, Nairobi, Mombasa, Uganda, Rongai, Utawala
Kenya College of Commerce and Hospitality Contacts, Courses Offered, Student Portal Login, elearning, Website, Application Forms Download, Fee Structure, Bank Account, Mpesa Paybill, KUCCPS Admission List and Letters, Telephone Mobile Number, Admission Requirements, Intake, Registration, Location, Address, Graduation, Opening Date, Timetable, Accommodation, Hostel Room Booking
Kenya College of Commerce and Hospitality Courses and Programmes Offered
- Diploma in Supplies Management
- Diploma in Stores Management and Stock Control
- Diploma in Storekeeping 1 & 2
- Diploma in Secretarial Administration
- Diploma in Sales Management and Marketing
- Diploma in Purchasing Management
- Diploma in Purchasing and Supply Management
- Diploma in Public Relations
- Diploma in Marketing
- Diploma in Market Advertising and Public Relations
- Diploma in Logistics and Transport
- Diploma in Logistics
- Diploma in Human Resource Management
- Diploma in Front office
- Diploma in Customer Service
- Diploma in Computerized Customs Clearing and Forwarding
- Diploma in Business Studies and Business Management
- Diploma in Business Administration
- Diploma in Banking
- Travel, Tourism and Hospitality
- Tourism, Travel and business Studies
- Tour Guiding and Tour operations
- Restaurant Services
- Pastry and Bakery
- Nutrition and Dietetics
- House Keeping and Accommodation Studies
- House Keeping and Accommodation Studies
- Hotel Front Office operations & Administration
- Hotel and Catering Management
- Front Office Operations and Administration
- Food Production
- Food Beverage Management
- Food and Beverage Sales and Service Techniques
- Project Management
- Professional Computing and information Processing
- NGO Management
- Management information Systems
- Legal Studies
- Leadership Studies
- Information Communication Technology
- HIV/AIDS Management
- Disaster Management
- Diploma in Journalism
- Computerized Secretarial
- Computer Software Applications
- Computer Repair and Maintenance
- Computer Programming
- Community Health
- Community Development
- Certificate in Journalism
- Spanish
- German
- English
- Arabic
- Bridging Course in Mathematics
- Bridging Course in English
- SPECIALISED COMPUTER PACKAGES (Word Processing, Spreadsheets, Presentation Graphics, Email & Internet, Graphic Design
Desktop Publishing, Sage, Quickbooks, Pastel, SSPS, Maya, 3D Max, Archi CAD, Auto CAD, Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Fireworks, HTML, Visual Basic .NET, Visual C++, Java) - COMPUTER PACKAGES (Introduction to Computers, DOS, Windows, MS Word, MS Excel, MS Access, MS Publisher, MS Outlook, Email & Internet
Powerpoint, PageMaker) - COMPUTERISED ACCOUNTING (MS Windows, MS Word, MS Excel, MS Outlook, QuickBooks, Sage Accounting)
- COMPUTER PROGRAMMING (MS Access, VisualBasic, Visual C++, Java, JavaScript, Dephi)
Kenya College of Commerce and Hospitality Main Office Nairobi Contacts, Location, Address
Physical Location: Church House, 4th & 5th Floor, Tom Mboya Street (Junction of Tom Mboya St & Haile Selassie Avenue).
Postal Address: P. O. Box 17041 – 00510, Makongeni – Nairobi.
Tel. 020-2245791 / 020-237334.
Mobile: 0722-937382.
Wireless: 0771-171440
Kenya College of Commerce and Hospitality Mombasa Contacts, Location, Address
Physical Location: Karimi Hse, 3d Floor, Left Wing, Moi Avenue, Next to Wimpy, Opposite Elephant Tusks / Uhuru Gardens.
Cell Phone: 0725-787174.
Kenya College of Commerce and Hospitality Uganda Contacts, Location, Address
Physical Location: Distance Learning Office
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 21785 Kampala, Uganda.
Mobile: +256-712-805504.
Kenya College of Commerce and Hospitality Rongai Branch Contacts, Location, Address
Wireless: 020-2373345.
Cell: 0721-799326 / 0734-416310
Kenya College of Commerce and Hospitality Utawala Branch Contacts, Location, Address
Wireless: 0771-171443
Cell: 0721-818464 / 0722937382