Domus Mariae High School, Kerarapon Location, Contacts, Postal Address, Physical Address, County, Telephone Number, Email, Website

Domus Mariae High School, Kerarapon is a – Private Secondary School, located near Karen Town, Lang’ata Constituency in Nairobi County.

The table below gives the fine details of this school.

Domus Mariae High School, Kerarapon, Constituency, Mobile Number, Principal, Headmaster, History

Domus Mariae High School, Kerarapon Location, Contacts, Postal Address, Physical Address, County, Telephone Number, Email, Website

School Education Level Private Secondary School
Public Secondary School Classification Pending Update
Physical Location Located in Kerarapon between Karen and Ngong Town on the outskirts of Nairobi, in or near Karen Town,
Lang’ata Constituency,
Nairobi County,
Postal Address
Kerarapon – 00100Karen, Kenya
Telephone/Mobile Number 0725 171751
Email Address
KCPE/KCSE Results Slip Download
School Motto Growing in Knowledge and Wisdom
School Slogan

Domus Mariae High School, Kerarapon KCSE exam Results, Details, History, Short Description, Achievements etc

Domus Mariae School is a boy’s secondary school situated in a serene environment half way between Karen and Ngong Town on the outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya. The school is owned and run by a registered society called Koinonia Community a Christian based organization.

The name Domus Mariae Mater Nigritiae is a Latin for House of Mary mother of Africa. As Mary, Mother of Jesus cared for Him as He grew up in wisdom and knowledge, our school offers a place where young people can pursue academic excellence, nurture skills and acquire spiritual discipline for effective personal development.

Domus Mariae High School, Kerarapon Location, Contacts, Postal Address, Physical Address, County, Telephone Number, Email, Website
Domus Mariae High School, Kerarapon Location, Contacts, Postal Address, Physical Address, County, Telephone Number, Email, Website
Author: Laban Gachie

About Laban Thua Gachie 30968 Articles
I am a proud Kenyan. I have a Bachelors Degree in Communication and Media Technology from Maseno University. I am an Online Content Developer for and My passion is helping others realize their passions and dreams so that they can live a decent and fulfilling life.