Benson Makali Mulu – Biography, MP Kitui Central, Wife, Family, Wealth

Benson Makali Mulu – Profile, MP Kitui Central Constituency, Kitui County, Education, Age, Children, Son, Daughter, Contacts, Life History, Net worth, Wealth, Video

Benson Makali Mulu profile

Benson Makali Mulu was born on 1st November 1965 in Kitui County. He is the Member of Parliament for Kiyui Central Constituency in Kitui County.

He was elected to the 11th Parliament on a WDM-K party ticket in the CORD Coalition. His predecessor to the same seat was NARC Chairperson Charity Ngilu.

In the National Assembly he is a member of the House Business Committee from March 2013.

Benson Makali Mulu has spoken 910 times in Parliament Since March 2013

Benson Makali Mulu Education Background

Benson Makali Mulu sat for his Certificate of Primary Education at  Mulundi Primary School, Kitui.

He joined Kyagwathya Secondary School, Kitui for his O – Level Certificate of education and St. Charles Lwanga, Kitui for his A – Level Certificate.Benson Makali Mulu - Biography, MP Kitui Central Constituency, Kitui County, Wife, Family, Wealth, Bio, Profile, Education, children, Son, Daughter, Age, Political Career, Business, Net worth, Video, Photo

In 1990 he completed his B.A. (Hons) in Economics with a 1st Class Honours at the University of Nairobi.

In 1992 he completed his M.A. in Economics at the University of Nairobi, Kenya.

In 2015 he did his PhD in Economics at Kenyatta University, Kenya.

Benson Makali Mulu Job History

March 2013 to Date, Member of Parliament for Kitui Central Constituency, Kitui County.

2007 to 2013: Independent Consultant (Monitoring & Evaluation, General Programme /Project Management).

2004 to 2007: Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist – Governance, Justice, Law and Order Reform Programme (GJLOS), Kenya.

1997-2004 Programme Officer: Monitoring and Evaluation Community Development Trust Fund (CDTF), Kenya.

1991-1997- Economist/Statistician- Ministry of Finance and Planning.

Benson Makali Mulu supported a bill to steal from tax payers

In 2015, Benson Makali Mulu, Adan Keynan and some other members of Parliament wanted taxpayers to pay them Sh100,000 per month and also avail psychiatric and counseling services to them for the rest of their lives.

The parliamentarians defended the new addition to their retirement package stating that: The emotional turmoil of losing an election makes life “psychologically difficult” for them, hence the need for a soft emotional landing to bring them from their elitist life to that of a commoner.

The lawmakers added that the package would be a form of appreciation for the services rendered to the people.

The new perk was presented in parliament as the Parliamentary Society of Kenya Bill which the legislators termed as a ‘salvation’ plan to salvage former MPs from a life of extreme poverty.

The new proposal by Eldas MP Adan Keynan also sought to assure failed or retired MP of a medical cover.

“This is a very good and very attractive bill because it offers opportunities for re-employment or retraining of MPs. Once you are out of this Parliament, it is very difficult to get employment. People don’t like employing politicians. This is a very useful bill because it will ensure MPs continue to remain useful citizens even after they leave Parliament,” Kitui Central MP Benson Makali Mulu said.

Benson Makali Mulu son Mwema Makali gets married

In April 2015, soulmates Patience Wasai and Mwema Makali tied the knot at Safari Park Hotel. The groom is the son to Kitui Central MP Benson Makali Mulu while the bride is a call centre supervisor at Star Times Media Kenya. The exclusive wedding had in attendance former Vice President and Wiper Democratic Movement party leader Kalonzo Musyoka.

Benson Makali Mulu video

Benson Makali Mulu Contacts

Telephone: 0722809831
Face Book: Hon. Makali Mulu
Twitter: @Makalimulu

About Laban Thua Gachie 30968 Articles
I am a proud Kenyan. I have a Bachelors Degree in Communication and Media Technology from Maseno University. I am an Online Content Developer for and My passion is helping others realize their passions and dreams so that they can live a decent and fulfilling life.