Video of Uhuru Kenyatta speaking in Kikuyu about Raila Odinga and its translation in English
“They should wait because even in the previous election, they made us fight so that they can get into government. When they finally joined Kibaki in government, all they did was disturb that old man. Even plans that he had for the country failed.
When he (Raila) got to government, all he did was ask for toilets. As if he was looking for leadership so he can get those things. Isn’t leadership supposed to be for helping the public? Now that he is out, he’s still making noise… that Jubilee is doing nothing.
I ask him, you make noise while inside government, you make noise while outside, what exactly do you want? He has to tell us what he wants.
Or maybe he was born that way. To make noise at every opportunity. Even when good is done, he doesn’t see it. When you give him chapati he says wants Ugali. Give him ugali he wants chapati. What we can do to such a person is simply pray to God and let God do his job.”
President Uhuru speaking his mother tongue. A message has been sent in this video no single friend of mine who is from Central is ready to translate.I hear its 2017 language. #Turihamwe. Watch and share!
Posted by Abdullahi Musa on Monday, March 28, 2016
(Translation courtesy of