University of Nairobi College of Architecture and Engineering
This is a list of all undergraduate degree programs offered by the schools at the UON College of Architecture and Engineering
UON College of Architecture and Engineering
These are all the undergraduate degree programs and courses offered by the School of Engineering at the University of Nairobi college of Architecture and Engineering
- Bsc. Civil Engineering
- Bsc. Electrical Engineering
- Bsc. Environmental & Biosystems
- Bsc. Geospatial Engineering
- Bsc. Mechanical Engineering
- Certificate in Renewable Energy
- Diploma in Energy Management
- Diploma in Nuclear Science
- Electrical and Information Engineering
- Environmental and Biosystems Engineering
- Geospatial and Space Technology
- Master in Environmental and Biosystems Engineering
- Master of Science in Civil Engineering
- Master of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- Master of Science in Electrical and Information Engineering
- Master of Science in Energy Management
- Master of Science in Engineering
- Master of Science in Geographical Information System
- Master of Science in Geospatial Engineering
- Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
- Master of Science in Surveying
- Masters of Science (Nuclear Science)
- Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
- Nuclear Science & Technology
- Ph.D in Civil Engineering
- Ph.d. (Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
- PH.D. in Nuclear Science
- PhD (Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
- PhD in Civil Engineering
- PhD in Environmental and Biosystems Engineering
- PhD. In Nuclear science
- Postgraduate Diploma in Energy Management
- Postgraduate Diploma in Nuclear Science
University of Nairobi UON School of the Art and Design
This is the list of undergraduate and Postgraduate degree programs/courses offered by the School of Art and Design at the University of Nairobi college of Architecture and Engineering
- B.A. Design
- Master of Arts and Design
- Doctor pf Philosophy in Design
University of Nairobi UON School of the Built Environment

These are all the undergraduate degree programs and courses offered by the School of the Built Environment at the University of Nairobi college of Architecture and Engineering
- Bachelor of Architectural Studies/Bachelor of Architecture
- Bachelor of Real Estate
- Bachelor of Arts Planning
- Bachelor of Quantity Surveying
- Bachelor of Construction Management
- Diploma in Estate Agency and Property Management
- Masters of Arts in Construction Management
- Masters of Arts in Planning
- Masters of Science in Valuation and Property Management
- PHD: Doctor of Philosophy in Urban and Regional Planning
- Post Graduate Diploma In Housing Administration
For more information contact
Dean, School of the Built Environment,
Box 30197-00100, Nairobi,
Tel: 2724520/4 Ext. 222
Fax: 338688