Orthodox Teachers Training College of Africa Nairobi, Contacts, Location, Address
Physical Address: Orthodox Teachers Training College of Africa Nairobi is located in Riruta Satelite, Dagoretti Area Nairobi, Kenya
Postal Address: P.O. Box 34075-00100 Nairobi
Telephone number: 020-3876610
Mobile number: 0720 415700
Email Address: orthodoxcollegeofafrica@gmail.com
Orthodox Teachers Training Coll. of Africa Nairobi Courses and Programmes Offered
- Tailoring (Tailoring)
- Diploma in Social Work and Community Development (Social Work and Community Development)
- Diploma in Information Technology (Information Technology)
- Diploma in Early Childhood Development and Education (Early Childhood Development)
- Certified Public Accountant (KASNEB CPA)
- Certificate in Social work and Community Development (Social Work)
- Certificate in Information Technology (Information Technology)
- Certificate in Early Childhood Development and Education (ECDE)
- Accounting Technician Certificate (KASNEB ATC)