Nursing colleges in Kenya – Approved Public & Private Nursing Colleges

Nursing colleges in Kenya

Public Nursing colleges in Kenya approved by the Nursing Council of Kenya to offer Diploma Courses

Nursing colleges in Kenya – KMTC Eldoret Campus

Nursing colleges in Kenya, KMTC Eldoret Campus is in Uasin-Gishu County situated in Eldoret town next to Moi Teaching & Referral Hospital

KMTC Eldoret Campus Courses

KMTC Eldoret Campus campus offers the following courses

  1. Nursing
  2. Medical Engineering (Pre-service and Upgrading)
  3. Clinical Medicine (Pre-service) & Higher National Diploma in Anesthesia,
  4. Medical Imaging Science.

Nursing colleges in Kenya – KMTC Kisii Campus

KMTC Kisii Campus is located in Kisii County within Kisii Central Business District along the Kisii Hospital road and is adjacent to the main Kisii Teaching and Referral Hospital.

KMTC Contacts – KMTC Kisii Campus Contacts

P.O. Box 1165, Kisii 40200
Tel: 058-30568

KMTC Kisii Campus Nursing courses offered

KMTC Kisii Campus has three academic departments namely
  1. Clinical Medicine,
  2. Nursing
  3. Medical Laboratory sciences

The long term courses are the basic Diploma and Higher Diploma courses. At the moment we have four (4) programmes and the enrolment capacity as follows:

  1. Diploma in Community Health Nursing ( Basic pre-service 100 students and E-learning Upgrading 50 students per year)
  2. Diploma in Clinical Medicine( 70 student per year
  3. Diploma in Medical Laboratory Sciences (40 students per year)
  4. Higher Diploma in Anaesthesia (8 students per year)

Short term courses include skill training in human resource for health professional development in areas of:

  1. Family Planning long term methods
  2. Essential obstetrical and newborn care
  3. First aid and emergency Response

Nursing colleges in Kenya – KMTC Murang’a Campus

Nursing colleges in Kenya, Nursing Council of Kenya, Diploma Courses, Public Nursing colleges in Kenya, Private Nursing colleges in Kenya, KMTC Campus
Nursing colleges in Kenya, Nursing Council of Kenya, Diploma Courses, Public Nursing colleges in Kenya, Private Nursing colleges in Kenya, KMTC Campus

KMTC Contacts – KMTC Murang’a Campus contacts / Location

KMTC Murang’a campus is located in Murang’a town approximately 1 KM from Murang’a town center. It is on a 6 acre piece of land next to Murang’a district hospital along the mortuary road off the hospital road.
P.O. Box 69, Murang’a, 10200
Tel: 060-30243

KMTC Murang’a Campus Courses Offered

  1. In September 2003 the department of Health records and Information technology certificate course started.
  2. In the year 2005 the department of clinical medicine and surgery was started.
  3. In September 2006 Distance learning in-service course was started.
  4. In September 2013 Kenya Registered Nursing /Mental Health was started.

Nursing colleges in Kenya – KMTC Karen Campus

KMTC Contacts – KMTC Karen Campus contacts / Location

The college is located in Karen 20 km from the Nairobi Central Business District.
P. O. BOX 24921, NAIROBI

KMTC Karen Campus Courses offered

  1. Diploma and Certificate in Nutrition with 560 students

Planned new courses

  1. Diploma in Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics

Nursing colleges in Kenya – KMTC Makueni Campus

KMTC Contacts – KMTC Makueni Campus contacts

KMTC Makueni Campus is located at Wote town in Makueni County, 72km from Machakos City and 72 km away from Makindu town along the Nairobi Mombasa high way. The campus is adjacent to Makueni County Referral Hospital

KMTC Makueni Campus courses

KMTC Makueni Campus has one faculty thus; nursing which offers Diploma in Kenya Registered Community Health Nursing (KRCHN (B))

Nursing colleges in Kenya – KMTC Manza Campus – Kenya Medical Training College

KMTC Contacts – KMTC Manza Campus contacts

KMTC Manza Campus is located four (4) kilometers from Machakos along the Machakos – Nairobi road at Kenya Israel Shopping Centre.
P. O. BOX 1155-90100, MACHAKOS

KMTC Manza Campus Diploma Courses

  1. Environmental Health Services
  2. Pharmacy
  3. Medical Imaging Sciences

Nursing colleges in Kenya – KMTC Meru Campus – Kenya Medical Training College

Kenya Medical Training College contacts – KMTC Meru Campus contacts Location

The college is situated within Meru municipality and it is about 242 kilometers from Nairobi city via Embu-Maua road. The college is situated about 1 km off Meru- town centre along hospital road.
P.O. Box 1484, Meru, 60200
Tel: 064-32537

KMTC Meru Campus courses offered

The college has four academic departments at the moment, namely:

  1. Nursing
  2. Clinical medicine
  3. Medical engineering
  4. Medical laboratory sciences.

Nursing colleges in Kenya – KMTC Embu Campus – Kenya Medical Training College

Kenya Medical Training College contacts – KMTC Embu Campus contacts / location

Situated one kilometer from Embu town, KMTC Embu Campus is in Eastern Province, along Embu-Meru highway behind Embu Provincial General Hospital.
P.O. Box 402, Embu, 60400
Tel: 068-2230518

KMTC Contacts – KMTC Embu Campus Courses

The campus offers the following courses:

  1. Diploma in Kenya Registered Community Health Nursing
  2. Diploma in Medical Laboratory Sciences
  3. Diploma in Environmental Health Sciences

Nursing colleges in Kenya – KMTC Nyamira Campus – Kenya Medical Training College

Kenya Medical Training College contacts – KMTC Nyamira Campus contats / Location

KMTC Nyamira Campus is located in Nyamira County, within Nyamira County Hospital staff quarters. It is 0.5Km from County Headquarters and 0.1Km off Nyamira – Nyamaiya road. It lies within a five (5) acre land donated by the hospital.

KMTC Nyamira Campus Courses

It offers Diploma in Community Health Nursing. Other programs in process at proposal level include;

  1. Diploma in Clinical Medicine and Surgery.
  2. Diploma in Medical Health Records and Information.
  3. Post Basic Diploma in Pediatric Nursing.

Nursing colleges in Kenya – KMTC Garissa Campus – Kenya Medical Training College

KMTC Contacts – KMTC Garissa Campus Contacts / Location

The only MTC in Kenya’s North Eastern Province, KMTC Garissa Campus is situated off Sankuri Road within Garissa Municipal Council, Garissa County.
P.O. Box 167, Garissa, 70100
Tel: 046-2247

KMTC Garissa Campus Courses Offered

KMTC Garissa Campus offers the following courses:

  1. Certificate in Nursing (pre-service)
  2. Upgrading Diploma in Nursing (DL)
  3. In-Service Diploma in Nursing

KMTC Garissa Campus uses Garissa Provincial General Hospital for most of its clinical placement. We also use Mathare for psychiatry and Machakos District Hospital for Nursery experience.

Nursing colleges in Kenya – KMTC Homabay Campus – Kenya Medical Training College

Kenya Medical Training College contacts – KMTC Homabay Campus Contacts / Location

Next to Homa Bay High School
P.O. Box 512, Homa Bay, 40300
Tel: 059-22575

KMTC Homabay Campus Courses offered

  1. Diploma in Community Health Nursing (pre-service)
  2. Diploma in Community Health Nursing (In-service)
  3. Diploma in Clinical Medicine (pre-service)

Nursing colleges in Kenya – KMTC Kabarnet Campus – Kenya Medical Training College

Kenya Medical Training College contacts – KMTC Kabarnet Campus Contacts / Location

Located in Kabarnet town, next to Kabarnet District Hospital. KMTC Kabarnet Campus is a few kilometers from the scenic Kerio Valley and Lakes Baringo and Bogoria.
P.O. Box 401, Kabarnet
Tel: 053-22395

KMTC Kabarnet Campus Courses offered

  1. Diploma in Environmental Health Science (in-service)
  2. Certificate in Enrolled Community Nursing (ECN)

Nursing colleges in Kenya – KMTC Kakamega Campus – Kenya Medical Training College

KMTC Kakamega Campus is situated in Kakamega town, next to the Provincial General Hospital, Kakamega.
P.O. Box 535, Kakamega
Tel: 056-20332

KMTC Kakamega Campus Courses offered

  1. Environmental Health Sciences
  2. Nursing
  3. Medical Laboratory Sciences

Nursing colleges in Kenya – KMTC Bomet Campus – Kenya Medical Training College

KMTC Bomet Campus Contacts / Location


KMTC Bomet Campus Courses Offered

Currently the college is offering Diploma in Kenya Registered Community Health Nursing with plans to Increase programs from 1-4 by 2016 – Clinical Medicine, Nutrition, EHS

Nursing colleges in Kenya – Kenya Medical Training College – Kapkatet Campus

KMTC Kapkatet Campus Contacts / Location

KMTC Kapkatet Campus is located at Kapkatet market 35 kms South of Kericho town. The college is within the hospital compound Bureti District in Kericho County. It is surrounded by several schools with rich agricultural area.


Kenya Medical Training College contacts – KMTC Kapkatet Campus Courses offered

  1. Clinical Medicine
  2. Nursing

Nursing colleges in Kenya – KMTC Kilifi Campus – Kenya Medical Training College

KMTC Kilifi Campus Contacts / Location

KMTC Kilifi Campus is located in Kilifi town, 62km north of Mombasa along the Mombasa-Malindi Highway. It is within the District’s Headquarters and boarders the Kilifi district Hospital at KEMRI. (Kenya Medical Research Institute).
P.O. BOX 95, Kilifi 80108
Tel: 041-7522476

KMTC Kilifi Campus Courses Offered

  1. Two years certificate in Medical Engineering
  2. 3 1/2 years Diploma in Community Health Nursing (KRCHN)

Nursing colleges in Kenya – KMTC Kitui Campus – Kenya Medical Training College

KMTC Kitui Campus contacts / Location

KMTC Kitui Campus is 1Km from Kitui town and is located along the Hospital road next to Kitui District Hospital. It occupies the premises that formerly housed Better Living Institute (BLI) Kitui.
KMTC Kitui Campus is housed on a 20 acre piece of land that was provided by the local community through the District Development Committee.

Physical address: Kitui – Kibwezi Road
Postal Address: Box 711-90200, Kitui
Telphone: 020 350 32 34

KMTC Kitui Campus Courses Offered

  1. 3 ½ years Diploma in Kenya Registered Community Health Nursing (KRCHN)
  2. 3 years Diploma in Medical Laboratory Sciences.
  3. 3 Years Diploma in clinical medicine
  4. 3 Years Diploma in Environmental Health Sciences
  5. 2 years Certificate in Health Records and Information Sciences
  6. 2 year Diploma in Health Records and information Sciences (Upgrading Self sponsored)

Nursing colleges in Kenya – KMTC Machakos Campus – Kenya Medical Training College

KMTC Machakos Campus contacts / Location

KMTC Machakos Campus is in Machakos County in lower eastern region of Kenya, along Machakos- Wote road next to Machakos level 5 Hospital and about 100 Metres after shalom community hospital and about 500 metres from Machakos bus park.


KMTC Machakos Campus Courses

The campus currently offers the following courses:

  1. Diploma in Kenya Registered Community Health Nursing
  2. Diploma in Medical Laboratory Sciences
  3. Diploma in Clinical Medicine

However plans are also underway to launch two more market driven programs i.e. Certificate in plaster technician and higher diploma in anesthesia

Nursing colleges in Kenya – KMTC Mathari Campus – Kenya Medical Training College

KMTC Mathari Campus contacts / Location

We are located in a serene environment opposite Muthaiga Police Station 800m off Thika Super Highway and 4KM from Nairobi Central Business District.
P. O. BOX 46028, NAIROBI

KMTC Mathari Campus Courses

KRN/MHP basic and a Higher National Diploma in Psychiatry nursing programs offered in our college, contribute to development of expert mental health and psychiatry nurses who benefit individuals, families, groups, and communities of the world by providing and improving delivery of haulistic care.

Nursing colleges in Kenya – KMTC Msambweni Campus – Kenya Medical Training College

KMTC Msambweni Campus Courses Offered

  1. Diploma in Environmental Sciences
  2. Certificate in Health Records and Information

KMTC Msambweni Campus contacts / location

Kenya Medical Training College –Msambweni Campus was formerly the Matuga Medical Training College housed at the then Government Training Institute Matuga.
P. O. BOX 16-0408, MSAMBWENI

Nursing colleges in Kenya – KMTC Kisumu Campus – Kenya Medical Training College

KMTC Kisumu Campus contacts / location

Kisumu Medical Training College upper campus is located at Kondele on Kisumu-Kakamega road and is approximately two kilometers from Kisumu town. The lower campus is based at Kisumu District Hospital just opposite Jomo- Kenyatta sports ground.

P. O. BOX 1594, KISUMU
057- 2523941

It has two campuses (the upper campus and the lower campus) and six departments namely:

  1. Nursing
  2. Environmental Health Sciences
  3. Medical Laboratory Sciences
  4. Clinical Medicine
  5. Medical Imaging Sciences
  6. The Business Unit – offers a course in Higher Diploma in Community Health and H.I.V AIDS care.

KMTC Kisumu Campus Courses Offered

  1. Diploma in Community Health Nursing
  2. Diploma in Clinical Medicine
  3. Diploma in Medical Laboratory Sciences
  4. Diploma in Environmental Health Sciences
  5. Diploma in Medical Imaging Sciences
  6. Higher Diploma in community Health and H.I.V AIDS care

Nursing colleges in Kenya – KMTC Thika Campus – Kenya Medical Training College

KMTC Thika Campus contacts / location

Thika Town
P.O. Box 729, Thika, 01000
Tel: 067-30256
067-22047 (Fax)

Nursing colleges in Kenya – KMTC Mombasa Campus – Kenya Medical Training College

KMTC Mombasa Campus contacts / location

Sheikh Abdula Taib Road
P. O. BOX 87946-80100 MOMBASA
Tel: 041-2220513, 202 408999

Nursing colleges in Kenya – KMTC Nairobi Campus – Kenya Medical Training College

KMTC Nairobi Campus contacts / location

Ngong Road
P.O. Box 30195, Nairobi 00100
Tel: 020-2725711-14
Fax: 020-2722907

Nursing colleges in Kenya – KMTC Nakuru Campus – Kenya Medical Training College

KMTC Nakuru Campus contacts / location

Nakuru Ravine Road, Next to Nakuru Provincial General Hospital
Tel: 051-2211843

Nursing colleges in Kenya – KMTC Nyeri Campus – Kenya Medical Training College

KMTC Nyeri Campus contacts / location

P.O. Box 466, Nyeri
Tel: 061-2487, 2480

Private Nursing Colleges in Kenya approved by the Nursing Council of Kenya to offer Diploma Courses

Nursing colleges in Kenya, Nursing Council of Kenya, Diploma Courses, Public Nursing colleges in Kenya, Private Nursing colleges in Kenya, KMTC Campus
Nursing colleges in Kenya, Nursing Council of Kenya, Diploma Courses, Public Nursing colleges in Kenya, Private Nursing colleges in Kenya, KMTC Campus
  1. AIC Kapsowar School of Nursing
  2. AIC Litein School of Nursing
  3. AMREF Virtual Nursing School
  4. Catherine McAuley School of Nursing
  5. Clive Irvine College of Nursing
  6. Consolata Hospital, Nkubu School of Nursing
  7. Consolata Hospital, Nyeri School of Nursing
  8. Consolata Hospital, Ortum School of Nursing
  9. Consolata Hospital, Wamba School of Nursing
  10. Fidenza School of Nursing, Kyeni
  11. Getrudes Training Center
  12. Joan School of Nursing
  13. Karen Hospital Training College
  14. Kendu Adventist Hospital School of Nursing
  15. Kijabe School of Nursing
  16. Matibabu Foundations College of Health Sciences: Mary Ann Van Dam School of Nursing
  17. Maseno Mission Hospital School of Nursing
  18. Maua Methodist Hospital School of Nursing
  19. Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital
  20. Nairobi Womens Hospital
  21. Nazareth School of Nursing
  22. NEP College of Health Sciences
  23. North Coast Medical Training College
  24. Nzoia College Nursing
  25. Our Lady Lourdes Mission Hospital School of Nursing, Mwea
  26. Outspan Medical College
  27. PCEA Surburb College Nakuru
  28. PCEA Tumutumu School of Nursing
  29. Ram School of Nursing
  30. St. Camillus School of Nursing
  31. St. Clares Kaplong School of Nursing
  32. St. Elizabeth School of Nursing, Mukumu
  33. St. Joseph’s Hospital School of Nursing Migori
  34. St. Joseph’s Hospital School of Nursing Nyabondo
  35. St. Joseph’s Hospital School of Nursing Kilgoris
  36. St. Lukes Hospital School of Nursing, Kaloleni
  37. St. Lukes Hospital School of Nursing, North Kinangop
  38. St. Mary’s Mission Hospital
  39. Tenwek School of Nursing
  40. The Nairobi Hospital Cicely McDonnell School of Nursing
  41. Matric Institute of Professional Studies

About Laban Thua Gachie 30968 Articles
I am a proud Kenyan. I have a Bachelors Degree in Communication and Media Technology from Maseno University. I am an Online Content Developer for and My passion is helping others realize their passions and dreams so that they can live a decent and fulfilling life.