Njoki Chege – Biography, Age, Saturday Nation, Education, Boyfriend, Scandals, Photos

Njoki Chege – Biography, Profile, Age, Saturday Nation, Education, Boyfriend, Family, children, blog, Articles, Photos, Video, Scandals, Parents, Twitter

Njoki Chege Profile

Njoki Chege is a writer for the Saturday Nation column ‘by City Girl’. She is a very controversial writer who is hated and loved in equal measures.

Njoki Chege was born in the village on the slopes of Mt. Kenya and later moved to Buruburu Eastlands Nairobi.

After taking a bath and applying some lotion on her skin, she decided to leave, according to her, the ‘poverty stricken’ Eastlands for Lang’ata.

Njoki Chege Education

Njoki attended the Daystar University for her Journalism career. Her Primary and High School information is not yet clear.

Njoki Chege Boyfriend

Njoki has no stable boyfriend. According to her she can never date a broke guy. A boyfriend has to have money, a beautiful and expensive car, a mansion not close to Eastlands, must be romantic etc. In short she wants to date a rumour.

Njoki Chege Children

If rumous have it right, then Njoki Chege’s children will remain as rumours. She currently has no children but time will prove right or wrong the gossips going round about her illegal cervical operations.

Njoki Chege Saturday Nation Articles, Blog

Njoki is a controversial writer in the Saturday Nation Newspaper. Her articles are full of venom such that no single article has ever been received with a high positive rating from the public.

Most of the articles rub a cross-section of Kenyans the wrong way depending on the theme of the article.

Some of the most controversial articles she wrote are;

  • Fat women, let’s tackle this elephant in the room; Saturday, October 3, 2015
  • Shisha girls: The scum of womenfolk; Saturday, November 13, 2015
  • Political bloggers no different from call girls; Saturday, January 23, 2016

These articles elicited very sharp reactions from the public to the extent that Kenyans were calling for a ban of that column from the Nation Newspaper.

Njoki Chege Scandals

Njoki has so many scandals that have been heaped on her. These scandals came out after she started blasting other people and calling them all sort of names and stereotypes. Some of the scandal attributed to her are

  1. Sex scandal with two married Editors in her NMG office in November, 2015.
  2. One of her close friends revealed that she was drilled by four guys during a house party in Parklands in 2012. But this was never proved.

Njoki Chege Facebook, Twitter

Twitter Handle: @njokichege

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/breakfastclubkenya/

Njoki Chege Photos

Njoki Chege - Biography, Profile, Age, Saturday Nation Articles, Education, Boyfriend, Family, children, blog, Photos, Video, Sex Scandals, Parents, Twitter

Njoki Chege - Biography, Profile, Age, Saturday Nation Articles, Education, Boyfriend, Family, children, blog, Photos, Video, Sex Scandals, Parents, Twitter

About Laban Thua Gachie 30968 Articles
I am a proud Kenyan. I have a Bachelors Degree in Communication and Media Technology from Maseno University. I am an Online Content Developer for Kenyanlife.com and Catholicreadings.org. My passion is helping others realize their passions and dreams so that they can live a decent and fulfilling life.