Happy New Year Wishes, Quotes, SMS, love Messages, Greetings, Image, Pictures
Wishing you a Happy New Year with the hope that you will have many blessings in the year to come.
Out with the old, in with the new: may you be happy the whole year through. Joyous New Year Day!
As I think about our friendship and how happy it has made me, I want to wish you happiness in the year to come.
I would just like to express how much joy you have given me, and wish for your joy and happiness in return. Joyous New Year Day!
Friend, neighbor, confidante: you have improved my life so much that, as we enter a new year, I wish for you all the love you have shown me. Joyous New Year Day!
Counting my blessings and wishing you more. Hope you enjoy the New Year in store. Have a joyous New Year, my dear friend!
A new year is like a blank book, and the pen is in your hands. It is your chance to write a beautiful story for yourself. Joyous New Year Day!
Happy New Year Love Wishes for Your Boyfriend or Girlfriend
Another year filled with sweet memories and joyous times has passed. You have made my year very special, and I wish for you to continue to do so. With you around, every moment is a special occasion for me. I hope you have a great year ahead. May God bless my love with his care and warmth. I love you, and wish you a very Joyous New Year Day!
Every New Year wish I have ever made came true when I met you. Thank you sweetheart…Happy New Year, with love.
As we enter the New Year together, let’s resolve to appreciate the love we share and watch it grow even deeper. Joyous New Year Day! my love.
You witnessed my every pratfall and tolerated every bad joke. You’re still smiling with me, and I love you for that. Joyous New Year Day!
Romantic Happy New Year SMS Messages
I resolve to stop wasting my resolutions on myself and use them to repay you for the warmth you’ve shown me. Happy New Year, my love.
New dreams, new hopes, new experiences and new joys: wishing my new love a very Joyous New Year Day!
All my wishes, all my hopes, all my dreams, and mostly all my love for a Happy New Year.
Best wishes to my beloved friend for an amazing year ahead. May the sunshine of happiness always shine above you. May the dove of peace rest over you and live in your home. May the dense forest of love surround you all year round. May you have a lovely New Year.
Happy New Year Wishes for Best Friend
Knowing you has been a master class in true friendship. During the New Year, I hope to emulate your love and warmth. Wishing you a very Happy New Year.
May we live in a world at peace and with the awareness of God’s love in every sunset, every flower’s unfolding petals, every baby’s smile, every lover’s kiss, and every wonderful, astonishing, miraculous beat of our hearts.
Another year has passed, another year has come. I wish for you that, with every year, you achieve all of your dreams. May God pour love and care on you. Joyous New Year Day!
Another year of success and happiness has passed. With every new year comes greater challenges and obstacles in life. I wish you courage, hope and faith to overcome all of the hurdles you may face. May you have a great year and a wonderful time ahead. God bless you.
Happy New Year Wishes for Family
My sister, my first friend, my constant support: in the coming year, I wish you all of the blessings you truly deserve. I love you, Sis.
Now, in the New Year, we look back upon warm memories. You’ve had a hand in every wonderfully warm memory I have, Mom. Happy New Year, Mom.
Happy New Year, Grandma. I wish you a bright New Year, just like every year you have brightened in my life. Thank you.
To my awesome brother: thank you for the fun, and sometimes embarrassing, memories we share. Let’s keep that tradition going in the upcoming year! Happy New Year, with love.
As I look forward to a New Year, I always think of the gifts my parents have given me. Though we’re miles apart, you are always in my thoughts and prayers. Happy New Year, with gratitude.
Inspirational New Year Wishes
As the New Year approaches us with hopes anew, here is to wishing you and your family a wonderful year ahead. Joyous New Year Day!
As the New Year dawns, I hope it is filled with the promises of a brighter tomorrow. Happy New Year!
Even if our talks may lessen, our hellos and our stories as well, but remember that, no matter what happens, my prayers and wishes for you will never fall short. May this year be the best year by far, and may this year bring with it endless joy and happiness.
Every end marks a new beginning. Keep your spirits and determination unshaken, and you shall always walk the glory road. With courage, faith and great effort, you shall achieve everything you desire. I wish you a very Joyous New Year Day!
More Inspirational New Year SMS Messages
On the road to success, the rule is to always to look ahead. May you reach your destination, and may your journey be wonderful. Happy New Year.
No one can go back in time to change what has happened, so work on your present to make yourself a wonderful future. Joyous New Year Day!
You’re supposed to let go of the past and start off new. You’re supposed to forgive all those who have hurt you, and be open to new relationships, with open arms. That is why it is called the ‘New’ Year. May you have a Joyous New Year Day!
May what you see in the mirror delight you, and what others see in you delight them. May someone love you enough to forgive your faults, be blind to your blemishes, and tell the world about your virtues.
Don’t forget the past, learn from it. Happy New Year.
Funny Happy New Year Wishes
Many people await New Year’s Day to make a new start to their old habits. I wish you otherwise. Happy New Year.
May your hair, your teeth, your face-lift, your abs and your stocks not fall, and may your blood pressure, your triglycerides, your cholesterol, your white blood count and your mortgage interest never rise.
Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, yippee! It’s a New Year! Happy New Year, my beloved friend.
May you get a clean health bill from your dentist, your cardiologist, your gastro-entomologist, your urologist, your proctologist, your podiatrist, your psychiatrist, your plumber and the KRA.
May you remember to say, “I love you” at least once a day to your spouse, your child, your parent, and your siblings, but not to your secretary, your nurse, your masseuse, your hairdresser or your tennis instructor.
100 Best Happy New Year SMS Messages
Cheers to the New Year. May it be a memorable one. Joyous New Year Day!
Don’t worry when others are unable to understand you. Worry only when you are not able to understand yourself. May you have a Happy New Year.
I wish for this year to have lesser disasters, less hate, less accidents and loads of love. Joyous New Year Day!
I wish you a very Happy New Year. Hope you have a great time ahead.
I wish you a very sweet and prosperous New Year. May God pour his love and blessings on you. Enjoy!
It is time to forget the past and celebrate a new beginning. Happy New Year.
It’s time for champagne, cake and balloons. It’s time to celebrate the new year. Joyous New Year Day!
Let go of the past behind you. Right ahead, lies a new beginning. Make it a memorable experience. Happy New Year.
Let this New Year be the one, where all your dreams come true, so with a joyful heart, put a start to this year anew.
Wishing you a happy and prosperous New Year.
Let’s give a warm welcome to the year that starts a new, cherish each moment that the year shall behold, so let’s come together and celebrate a blissful start to the New Year. Joyous New Year Day!
Top 50 New Year’s Quotes
May each and every day of yours be renewed with lots of happiness and love. Joyous New Year Day!
May New Year’s Eve find you seated around the table, together with your beloved family and cherished friends. May you find the food better, the environment quieter, the cost much cheaper, and the pleasure more fulfilling than anything else you might ordinarily do that night.
May the coming year bring more happiness to you than last year. May you have an amazing year. Joyous New Year Day!
May the gift of love, happiness, peace, and warmth be yours as you make a new start. Happy New Year!
May the New Year bring to you Warmth of love and a light to guide your path towards a positive destination. Joyous New Year Day!
May the new year bring you greater heights of success and prosperity. Have a happy new year!
May the new year that follows be the best you have ever had. Have a blissful new year!
May the telemarketers wait to make their sales calls until you finish dinner, may the commercials on TV not be louder than the program you have been watching, and may your check book and your budget balance – and include generous amounts for charity.
May the year ahead brings you good luck, fortune, success and lots of love. Happy New Year to you and your loved ones.
May this new year, bring in loads of joy and fun in your life. I wish you a very sweet and warm New Year, and pray to God to bless to with his love, care and support. May you achieve big feats this year.
May you have a smashing new year filled with lots of delightful surprises. May you have a Happy New year.
Happy New Year SMS
May you know the joy of love, to soothe all tears away, true friend to walk beside you, through each and every day. I pray the year is brighter than the one passed before, good health and happiness and blessings by the score. Happy new year.
May your days be painted in gold. May your life be filled with diamonds. May the stars shine bright on your world. May you have a fun filled year. Joyous New Year Day!
No matter if every sunset steels one day from our life, but every sunrise gives us one another day to hope! I wish new hopes will always be a part of your life. Happy new year.
On this New Year I wish that you have a wonderful January, a lovely February, a Peaceful March, a stress-free April, a fun-filled May, and Joy that lasts from June to November, and finally a happy December. May my wishes come true and may you have a charming and lucky New Year.
On this New Year, may you change your direction and not dates, change your commitments and not the Calendar, change your attitude and not the actions, and bring about a change in your faith, your force and your focus and not the fruit. May you live up to the promises you have made and may you create for you and your loved ones the most Happy New Year ever.
Season’s greetings and best wishes for a new year that fills your heart with joy. Happy New Year!
The future ahead, holds numerous surprises for you. Be open to changes. Happy New Year.
The New Year is the time of unfolding horizons and the realization of dreams, may you rediscover new strength and garner faith with you, and be able to rejoice in the simple pleasures that life has to offer and put a brave front for all the challenges that may come your way. Wishing you a lovely New Year.
There are things that are sometimes left undone and there are things that can be left sometimes unsaid. There are things that can be sometimes left unsaid, but wishing someone like you can’t ever be left, so I take this moment to wish you and your loved ones a joyous and wonderful New Year.
Time is like a flowing river, no water passes beneath your feet twice, much like the river, moments never pass you by again, so cherish every moment that life gives you and have a wonderful New Year.
When you are happy, smile and celebrate; but when you’re sad, again celebrate to bring a smile to others. Joyous New Year Day!
Wishing you a new year rich with the blessings of love, joy, warmth, and laughter.
Wishing you a year that is filled with all the fragrance of roses, illuminated with all the lights of the world and be blessed with all the smiles on the planet. Hope this year will be the year when all your dreams come true. Joyous New Year Day!
Wishing you good health, happiness, and success in the coming year and always. Happy New Year!
With a passing year, shall pass the pains and troubles of the past. Stop thinking about the times that are gone, instead waste your time worrying about the future. May you have a great New Year.
Here’s to the New Year…
And all the promises
And hopes it brings!
As you sip your wine
Celebrating the New Year
Hope each day brings you
Showers of joy and surprises!
Happy New Year!
May your new year be blessed
with peace, love and joy.
Sending you my heartfelt wishes
With joy that never ends.
Wishing you a very
Happy New Year
Joy to your heart…
and warmth to your home!
As the New Year arrives…
Hope it brings along happiness,
hope and good tidings…
To stay on and on
Happy New Year
New is the year, new are the hopes and the aspirations,
New is the resolution, new are the spirits and..
Forever my warm wishes are for you
Have a promising and fulfilling New Year
Here is a wishing that the coming year is a glorious
One that rewards all your future endeavors with success..
Wishing you heartfelt and prosperous
Happy New Year
May each day of the New Year
Bring happiness, good cheer
And sweet surprises…
To you and all your dear ones!
Happy New Year!
New year is the time to bid farewell to the old
Year and welcome the coming year.
It is the time to forget and get past memories
That are no longer useful or worth pondering upon.
Let us Forget and forgive
Happy New Year
As the New Year makes its way
Through the cold winter…
Sending you a warm ‘Hello’
and wishing you a Happy New Year!
Wishing you a year of health,
wealth, happiness, luck, warmth…
And loads of love of your dear ones!
Hope the New Year
showers you with…
All that is beautiful!
Happy New Year!
May your world
be filled with warmth,
joy and good cheer…
Wishing you a Happy New Year!
As the new year
renews all the happiness
and good tidings…
Hope the joyful spirit
keeps glowing in the your heart…
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year Cards
!’–.___.–‘! got a
i________i CARD.
Open it…
§ H A P P Y §
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*’+. New +”+*
‘★._ HAPPY _.★’
‘¤-.★.-¤ ‘.-☆-._.-★-._.-★-.
‘☆._ NEW _.☆’
‘★._ YEAR _.★’
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/______ “+. _ .+”
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Happy New Year