This is a list of all Public and Private Secondary Schools in Changamwe Constituency, Mombasa County, Kenya. This list includes all Catholic Secondary Schools and other religiously founded academic institutions.
Unlike the Primary Schools, the Public Secondary Schools are more than the Private ones. But the variance between Primary schools to secondary schools is very big. More Public Secondary schools need to be constructed here.
St. Monica Academy Secondary School, Mombasa
Iyale Academy Secondary School, Mombasa
Changamwe SDA Secondary School, Mombasa
The Gracious Mary Complex Secondary School, Mombasa
The Gracious Mary Complex Secondary School, Mombasa
Highgate Academy Secondary School, Mombasa
High Achievers Secondary School, Mombasa
St. Elizabeth Academy Secondary School, Changamwe
ABC Mixed Day Secondary School, Changamwe
Seaside Girls Academy Secondary School, Changamwe
Port Reitz Academy Secondary School, Changamwe
Mama Wa Shine Secondary School, Changamwe
High Bridge Academy Secondary School, Mombasa

Mombasa For The Physically Handicapped Boys Secondary School
Mwijabu Mixed Secondary School
St. Charles Lwanga Secondary School
Tudor Day Boys Secondary School
Petals Academy Secondary School
Mombasa Baptist High School, Mombasa
High Bridge Secondary School, Mombasa