Step By Step Procedure of How to File Your KRA iTax Returns 2023 Online in the KRA iTax Login Portal,

To file your KRA Itax returns 2023, you will need to access your KRA iTax login Portal account. To do this, you will need to have your KRA pin number and password.

If you have forgotten your KRA pin number you will be required to visit KRA offices in your neighbourhood or the Huduma centre near you.

The Government of Kenya has mandated that any person above the age of 18 years should acquire an Identity Card that will enable him/her to apply for the very important KRA pin.

Even College and University students are required to apply for the KRA iTax Pin in order to be advanced the HELB loan. He/she is also obligated to file back the KRA itax returns every year.

To file back KRA iTax Returns every year is a right and an obligation of every adult citizen in Kenya who has registered for KRA pin number.

To access to KRA iTax login page follow this link KRA login Website

The KRA iTax Returns 2023 procedure below is for employees and staff with employment income. i.e. Individuals who will be issued with KRA P9 Form by their employers.

How to file your KRA itax Returns 2023 Online for employees with Employment Income

Video tutorial of how to file your KRA iTax Returns Online in Portal for employees with Employment Income

To file your KRA iTax Returns Online for employees with employment income, the process is quite simple nowadays. You need to have the following documents and information

1. Employer information for the employed individuals

2. Employer’s PIN

3. Financial Statements

4. Insurance Premium Certificate/ PIN of Underwriter/Mortgage interest certificate where applicable

5. Withholding tax certificates where applicable

6. KRA iTax Returns P9 form from your employer, HR Manager, GHRIS Portal or TSC Portal etc.

7. Any other documents relating to income you received or deductions you need to claim

After you make sure you have all the relevant documents, proceed with the process below;

Step 1: Visit the KRA iTax online portal website at

Step 2: At the KRA iTax portal login page enter your KRA Pin number, password and the answer to the security question

Step 3: After login in, go to returns tab and click ‘ITR for Employment income Only

Step 4: Then in the new window, fill all the fields marked with an asterix (*) in section A. Click next.

Step 5: In section ‘T’ for Tax computation only two items are necessary if your employer has correctly submitted your taxes

Step 6: Defined Pension Contribution (Total pension contributed by the employee)

Step 7: Personal relief for the whole year which should be to a maximum of Ksh. 13,944. Click Next.

Step 8: In section ‘F’ Details of employment Income, scroll yo the bottom of the page and confirm if as per the p9 form, the Gross pay is correctly entered. You can click on modify if your employer returned for less than 12 months. Click next.

Step 9: In section ‘M’ – Details of PAYE deducted at source from salary – confirm that all the details indicated with an asterix (*) are correctly indicated as per what is given in the P9 form. You can modify if necessary. Click next.

Step 10: In Section ‘Q1’ – Details of income tax paid in advance – Fill in the details if they are applicable to you. This is the last step of the return. Click ‘Submit’.

Step 11: Download the copy of the submitted returns for safekeeping.

How to file KRA itax Returns 2023 Online in Kenya for People With Business Income

KRA iTax Returns Online Login Portal, Income Tax KRA P9 Form Download, PAYE, KRA income tax returns Forms Deadline, KRA Nil Returns,, College University students
KRA iTax Login, KRA income tax returns
To file KRA Tax Returns online for people with business income, you are required to have all the necessary documents regarding your business. Then
  1. Visit the KRA iTax online portal website at
  2. At the KRA iTax portal login page enter your KRA Pin number, password and the answer to security question
  3. Click on ‘e-Returns’ or hover on ‘Returns’ on the navigation bar and click on ‘File Returns’
  4. Select the type, Enter your taxpayer’s PIN and select the Tax obligation applicable to you before clicking on ‘Next’
  5. The next page will walk you through the filling process. Basically, you just need to click on the links provided to either download the KRA iTax Returns form in Excel or ODS
  6. You need to enable macros to be able to ‘Validate’ and Zip your File. MACROS are inbuilt formulae in Excel that should be enabled once you download the return so that you can be able to fill in the details of the return. Enabling MACROS is on the read me section of the return and it gives you a step-by-step guide depending on the Excel version you have.
  7. Fill out all the applicable areas in the downloaded tax returns form and save your document on your computer.
  8. Return to the page and select the period for which you are filing the returns, upload the zipped filled out iTax Returns form, agree to the terms and select ‘Submit’.
  9. When asked whether you would like to upload the file, click on ‘OK’

Video tutorial of how to file your KRA iTax Returns Online in Portal for People with Business Income

The deadline for filing back KRA iTax Returns is on 30th June of the following year. For example if you are filing returns for the year ended 31st December, 2022, the deadline will be 30th June, 2023.

For any questions or assistance, you can visit any Huduma Center near you or Contact KRA Offices Countrywide

KRA iTax Forms Download

You can download these forms from this link

  1. T.CC 1 – Tax Compliance Certificate Application Form
  2. Application Form for Amnesty for Citizens in Diaspora
  3. I.T.1 – Individual Income Tax Returns
  4. I.T.1 – Non-Resident Individual Returns
  5. I.T.2C – December Cases Returns
  6. I.T.2P – Partnership Returns
  7. List of PAYE Forms Used by Employers
  8. User Guide for Filing Individual Returns Online.

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About Laban Thua Gachie 30968 Articles
I am a proud Kenyan. I have a Bachelors Degree in Communication and Media Technology from Maseno University. I am an Online Content Developer for and My passion is helping others realize their passions and dreams so that they can live a decent and fulfilling life.