January 30 2023: The Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) has announced that the Registration of Candidates to sit for Grade six KPSEA, KCPE and KCSE exams has been opened. The process will start on Wednesday, February 1 2023 until Thursday, March 30 2023.
Parents and teachers are requested to cooperate in making sure that the candidates are properly registered to avoid problems when exams start towards the end of the year.
The registration exercise is free of charge. No parent should be required to pay money, for the government has catered for everything.
The KNEC KCPE and KCSE Registration 2023 online in Kenya is usually done from the Kenya National Examinations Council – KNEC website: For KCPE Registration: http://www.knec-portal.ac.ke/kcpe/REGISTRATION
For KCSE Registration: https://www.knec-portal.ac.ke/KCSE/REGISTRATION/Login.aspx
Below is a guide of how to do the Registration for 2023 KPSEA, KCPE and KCSE Candidates
# KNEC has dictated that schools with less than five (5) candidates will register their candidates in another approved examination centre.
# Any school with between 6 and 14 candidates will be hosted by another centre that will be determined by the Sub County Director of Education. The information on such schools will require to be submitted to KNEC together with the registration materials. Meanwhile, the hosted school will retain its code during the registration of candidates.
# It is mandatory that all candidates in class seven (7) be registered where they have been learning. Registration of a candidate in two centres (double registration) will be treated as examination malpractice.
All candidates for both KCPE and KCSE examinations will be issued with an INDEX NUMBER as per the school’s ADMISSION REGISTER and NOT class performance.
The new schools wishing to be registered as 2023 KPSEA, KCPE and KCSE examination centres should submit the following documents to KNEC for verification:
- A valid registration certificate from the County Director of Education
- Duly filled inspection questionnaire from the Sub County Director of Education
- Duly filled application form from the school.
This information should be submitted to the KNEC by Thursday, March 30 2023. No application forms will be accepted by KNEC for new centres later than Thursday, March 30 2023.
NB: Expired registration certificates will not be accepted.
The new Sub Counties wishing to be allocated a KNEC code and coding of the schools should submit to KNEC the following information;
👉A Kenya Gazette notice legalizing the creation of the Sub County;
👉List of Schools showing their previous codes and the proposed new codes;
👉Location of the storage facility (Container) and details of the Deputy County Commissioner (DCC) or Assistant Deputy County Commissioner (ADCC) office.
This information should reach KNEC before Thursday, March 30 2023.
The Headmaster, Principal or the authorized person will follow these four steps to register the candidates;
👉Visit the KNEC website https://www.knec-portal.ac.ke/kcpe/REGISTRATION/Login.aspx
👉Download the application form for the candidates’ registration
👉Fill the candidates details to create the registration file
👉Login again into the KNEC website and:
- 👉Upload the registration file
- 👉Enter “new candidate” to register the new candidate
- 👉Then click on “Edit existing candidates” to fill the school and other details
- 👉Generate and print nominal roll and School Invoice
NB: The school administrators should know that this application is only available up to last day of the Registration period. The 2023 KCPE and KCSE Registration of candidates will start from Wednesday, February 1 2023 and end on 30th March, 2023
How to Access the System for KNEC KPSEA, KCPE and KCSE Registration 2023

👉First you will need to have your user name and password. The username being the school code. The code is now an 8-digit number. The county code has been added to the earlier 6-digit school code.
👉To obtain password, send an SMS to 22262 with the format KCPE#centrecode e.g KCPE#12345678, you will then receive an 8-digit number which you shall use as the password to log in.
👉Enter your user name and password
👉Click Log In
👉Upon successful login, you will be required to change your password as a security measure ensuring that only authorized persons can access your registration details. The form below will appear that will allow you to change your password.
NB: Appears only if accessing the system for the first time.
Changing Password for KNEC KCPE and KCSE Registration 2023
👉Type in the 8 digit number sent to you via SMS as the default password in the text-area labelled Current Password.
👉Enter (create) the new password (Can be any combination of letters or numbers) in the text-area labelled New Password.
👉Confirm the new password (Please don’t copy-paste), by re-typing the password in the text-area labelled Confirm Password.
👉Click Change Password to effect the changes
👉Click Continue to proceed to the upload – registration of candidates. PHOTOGRAPHS
How to Take Photographs for KNEC KCPE and KCSE Registration 2023
For the candidates who will be required to upload photos, i.e. non-formal students, the following guidelines will help:
👉It must be a passport photograph, should be coloured and must be taken using a digital camera.
👉The photo should be taken on a cream or light grey background (the backgrounds should be plain not flowered)
👉Photo size should be 45mm high x 35mm wide
👉Free from shadows.
👉The photo should be taken with eyes open and clearly visible (no sunglasses or spectacles)
👉The candidate should be facing forward, looking straight at the camera.
👉The Candidate should be having a neutral expression with the mouth closed (no grinning, frowning or raised eyebrows)
👉Each candidate should be on his/her own, no group photos or objects like dummies or toys or even other people being visible on the photos.
👉The photo should be in sharp focus and clear with a strong definition between the face and background.
👉The photo must contain the full face, neck and shoulders of the candidate in frontal view
👉The photo should be recent (not more than six months old)
👉The photos MUST be saved with the full index of the candidate and in JPG format i.e. the 11 digits e.g. 01101001001.jpeg.
👉All photos should be taken in school uniform
👉In addition to uploading the photos, all schools should submit the saved photographs to KNEC offices through their D.E.O’s in CD’s (each photo should be matched with the index numbers not names, in JPG format).
How to upload photos for KNEC KCPE and KCSE Registration 2023 Online
👉Transfer candidates’ photo onto a computer
👉Rename/save the photos with the candidate index number (no photo should be saved with the candidates’ names)

👉Create a folder named your centre code
👉Copy all the candidate’s photos onto that folder
👉Zip/compress the folder
👉Right-click the folder with Photos
👉Select Send to
👉Click on Compressed (zipped) folder
👉Login back to KNEC Portal
👉Click upload button candidate photos
👉Enter your username and password
👉From the TASKS drop-down list, select Upload Candidates Photos and click Continue
👉Browse to the compressed photos folder, and click upload
👉If successfully uploaded, a message will show on the application.
Confirmation of the KNEC KCPE and KCSE Registration 2023
To confirm the KCPE and KCSE registration go to the webpage KNEC Portal and click on Confirm Registration
Private Candidates for the 2023 KCPE Examination
There are Kenyan Citizens who have never sat for the KCPE or KCSE Exams and wish to sit for the exams and get a certificate.
These includes those who are learning in non – formal centres. These non-formal centers are required to register their candidates at the Sub County Education offices.
They should
- Upload candidates’ photographs online because no hard copies of photographs will be accepted at KNEC.
- Submit their registration certificates from the Ministry of Education (MOE);
All Institutions Heads and Sub County Education officers who are registering private candidates should take note that there will be no editing of candidates’ details after 31st October, 2019.
Private Candidates for the 2023 KCSE Examination
All private candidates shall be registered at the Sub County Director of Education.
A candidate who wishes to register privately should download the private candidate registration form from the KNEC website, complete it as required and present it to the respective Sub County Education office for further instructions within the registration period.
For registration of the KCSE candidates, KNEC will only allow one private examination centre per Sub County.
Private candidates are not allowed to individually deposit money into the KNEC collection accounts. Sub–County Education Officers are asked to ensure compliance to this regulation.
2023 Examination Fees
The government of Kenya has endeavoured to rollout free education for all citizens. Therefore they shall pay examination fees for all candidates in public and private schools except for the following:
- Candidates who are re-sitting/repeaters;
- Non–citizens candidates;
- Private candidates registering in the Sub County private examination centres;
All private candidates should pay their examination fees directly to the KNEC fees collection accounts given below and submit the deposit slips to the Sub County Director of Education who will further submit them to KNEC together with other registration documents.
KNEC Fees Collection Accounts
The KCSE Qualifying Test registration fee is Kes. 3000/= (three thousand) per candidate. The fees should be deposited in the KNEC KCSE fees collection accounts in either
National Bank of Kenya – A/C No – 0100160314300
Kenya Commercial Bank – A/C No – 1116686937
Equity Bank – A/C No – 0470294988491
Co-operative Bank – A/C No – 01136030120308