Kenya School of Adventure and Leadership Nairobi Courses, Contacts
Kenya School of Adventure and Leadership Nairobi Courses Offered, Student Portal Login, e-learning, Website, Application Forms Download, Fee Structure, Bank Account, Mpesa Paybill Number, KUCCPS Admission Letters Download, Admission Requirements, Intake, Registration, Contacts, Location, Address, Graduation, Opening Date, Timetable, Accommodation, Hostel Room Booking
Kenya School of Adventure and Leadership Nairobi Contacts, Location, Address
Postal Address: P.O. Box 4055-00506, Nairobi, Kenya
Telephone number: 020 237 2626
Mobile number: 0725 565 666, 0721 263 751
Email Address:
Kenya School of Adventure and Leadership Nairobi Courses and Programmes Offered
- Wilderness Survival Course (Wilderness Survival)
- Senior Management Course(Senior Management Course)
- Environmental Awareness Course (Environmental Awareness Course)
- Disaster Management (Disaster Management)
- Change Management (Change Management)
- Certificate in Team Building and Life Skills Training (Team Building and Life Skills Training)
- Certificate in Leadership Development (Leadership Development)
![Kenya School of Adventure and Leadership Nairobi Kenya, Courses Offered, Application Forms Download, Intake Registration, Fee Structure, Bank Account, Mpesa Paybill, Telephone Mobile Number, Admission Requirements, Diploma Courses, Certificate Courses, Postgraduate Diploma, Higher National Diploma HND, Advanced Diploma, Contacts, Location, Email Address, Website, Graduation, Opening Date, Timetable, Accommodation, Hostel Room Booking](