Kenya Polytechnic University College Courses, Contacts, Location, Address
Kenya Polytechnic University College Courses Offered, Student Portal Login, e-learning, Website, Application Forms Download, Fee Structure, Bank Account, Mpesa Paybill Number, KUCCPS Admission Letters Download, Admission Requirements, Intake, Registration, Contacts, Location, Address, Graduation, Opening Date, Timetable, Accommodation, Hostel Room Booking
Kenya Polytechnic University College Contacts, Location, Address
Physical Address: Located in the Nairobi Central Business District, Haille Selassie Avenue next to City Square Post Office
Postal Address: P.O. Box 52428-00200 Nairobi
Telephone number: +254(20)343672, 2251300
Mobile number: 0714771428
Email Address:
Kenya Polytechnic School of Information and Communication Technologies Courses and Programmes Offered
- Diploma Technology in Computer Technology
- Diploma Technology in Computer Engineering
- Diploma in Information Technology
- Diploma in Information System
- Diploma in Communication & Computer Networks
- Certificate in System Technical Support
- Certificate in Information Technology
- Certificate in Computer Technology
- Certificate in Computer Engineering
- Bachelor of Technology in Information Technology
- Bachelor of Technology in Computer Technology
- Advanced Certificate in Software Development
- Advanced Certificate in Information Technology
- Advanced Certificate in Computer Technology
- Advanced Certificate in Computer Hardware and Network Support
Kenya Polytechnic School of Engineering Science and Technology Courses and Programmes Offered
- Diploma in Water Engineering Certificate in AutoCAD
- Diploma in Telecommunication Systems Technician
- Diploma in Technology in Mechatronic Engineering (Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Option)
- Diploma in Technology in Mechatronic Engineering (Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering Option)
- Diploma in Technology in Mechatronic Engineering (Industrial Plant and Energy Engineering Option)
- Diploma in Technology in Mechatronic Engineering (Automotive and Autotronic Engineering Option)
- Diploma in Technology in Mechanical Engineering (Structural Fabrication and Materials Engineering options)
- Diploma in Technology in Mechanical Engineering (Metallurgical and Materials Engineering options)
- Diploma in Technology in Mechanical Engineering (Manufacturing Engineering options)
- Diploma in Technology in Mechanical Engineering (Industrial Plant Engineering options)
- Diploma in Technology in Mechanical Engineering (Automotive and Autotronic Engineering options)
- Diploma in Technology in Mechanical Engineering (Air-Conditioning and Energy Engineering options)
- Diploma in Technology in Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering (Avionics Options)
- Diploma in Technology in Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering (Airframes and Engines Options)
- Diploma in Technology (Survey Technology)
- Diploma in Technology (Geo-information Technology)
- Diploma in Technology (Chemical and Process Engineering)
- Diploma in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- Diploma in Civil Engineering Diploma in Technology in Civil Engineering
- Certificate in Technology (Helicopters Maintenance Option)
- Certificate in Technology (Avionics Option)
- Certificate in Technology (Airframes and Engines Option)
- Certificate in Electronics Technician Electrical Installation Electrician Craft
- Certificate in Electrical Installation Technician
- Certificate in Computer Servicing and Maintenance (CSM) Technician
- Certificate in Civil Engineering Certificate in Fire Engineering
- Certificate in Applied Electronics
- Bachelors of Technology (Survey Technology)
- Bachelors of Technology (Geo-information Technology)
- Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering Technology
- Bachelor of Technology in Civil Engineering
- Bachelor of Technology (Telecommunications)
- Bachelor of Technology (Power Systems)
- Bachelor of Technology (Instrumentation and Control)
- Bachelor of Technology (Electronics and Computer Engineering)
- Bachelor of Philosophy in Technology (Telecommunications)
- Bachelor of Philosophy in Technology (Power Systems)
- Bachelor of Philosophy in Technology (Instrumentation and Control)
- Bachelor of Philosophy in Technology (Electronics and Computer Engineering)
- Bachelor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering Technology
- Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering (Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Option)
- Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering (Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering Option)
- Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering (Industrial Plant and Energy Engineering Option)
- Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering (Automotive and Autotronic Engineering Option)
- Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering
- Bachelor of Engineering in Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering (Avionics Options)
- Bachelor of Engineering in Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering (Airframes and Engines Options)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Geospatial Engineering)
Kenya Polytechnic School of Architecture and the Built Environment Courses and Programmes Offered
- Diploma in Technology in Architecture
- Diploma in Technology (Urban and Regional Planning)
- Diploma and Degree in Quantity Surveying
- Diploma and Degree in Construction Management
- Certificate in Architectural Draughtsmanship
- Bachelor of the Built Environment (Urban Design and Development)
- Bachelor of the Built Environment (Urban and Regional Planning)
- Bachelor of Technology in Architecture.
- Bachelor of Built Environment in Architecture/Bachelor of Architecture degree
Kenya Polytechnic School of Pure and Applied Sciences Courses and Programmes Offered
- Short courses in Quality Management System (QMS)
- Short courses in Microbiological Laboratory Techniques
- Short courses in Laboratory Biosafety and Quality assurance (Module II)
- Short courses in Laboratory Biosafety and Quality assurance (Module I)
- Short courses in Internal Quality Auditors (IQA)
- Short courses in DNA and Serological Forensics
- Short courses in Clinical Good Laboratory practices (GCLP)
- Short courses in Biofuel (BioGas, BioDidesel, BioEthanol) production
- Higher Diploma in QC, TQM, QMS
- Diploma in Technology: Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
- Diploma in Technology: Environmental Resource Management
- Diploma in Technology in Industrial and Applied Biology (Vacation)
- Diploma in Technology in Industrial & Applied Biology
- Diploma in Technology in Food science
- Diploma in Technology in Biochemistry
- Diploma in Technology in Atmospheric science
- Diploma in Technology in Applied Chemistry (Industrial Chemistry)
- Diploma in Technology in Applied Chemistry (Analytical Chemistry)
- Diploma in Technology (Technical and Applied Physics)
- Diploma in Technology (Biotechnology)
- Diploma in Science Laboratory Technology (Vacation)
- Diploma in Science Laboratory Technology (Evening)
- Diploma in Science Laboratory Technology
- Diploma Geological science
- Certificate in Science Laboratory Technology (Vacation)
- Certificate in Science Laboratory Technology (SLT) Distance Mode
- Certificate in Science Laboratory Technology (Evening)
- Certificate in Food Technology
- Certificate in Environmental Studies
- Bachelor of Technology in Science Laboratory Technology
- Bachelor of Technology in Industrial & Applied Biology
- Bachelor of Technology in Food Science
- Bachelor of Technology in Environmental Resource Management
- Bachelor of Technology in Biotechnology:- (Industrial, Medical, and Agricultural Options)
Bachelor of Technology in Biochemistry - Bachelor of Technology in Applied Chemistry (Industrial Chemistry)
- Bachelor of Technology in Applied Chemistry (Analytical Chemistry)
- Bachelor of Technology (Technical and Applied Physics)
- Bachelor of Philosophy in Technology Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
- Bachelor of Philosophy in Technology (Industrial Chemistry)
- Bachelor of Philosophy in Technology (Analytical Chemistry)
- Bachelor of Philosophy in Food Technology
- Bachelor of Philosophy in Biotechnology (Industrial & Medical options)
- Bachelor of Philosophy Applied Biology
Kenya Polytechnic School of Mathematics and Statistics Courses and Programmes Offered
- Diploma in Technology in Applied Statistics
- Diploma in Technology in Actuarial Science
- Bachelor of Technology (Applied Statistics)
- Bachelor of Science (Mathematics)
Kenya Polytechnic School of Health Sciences and Technology Courses and Programmes Offered
- Diploma in Technology (Health Records & Information Technology)
- Diploma in Technology (Community and Public Health)
- Diploma in Technology in Nutrition and Dietetics
- Diploma in Technology (Pharmaceutical Technology)
- Diploma in Technology (Biomedical Laboratory Science)
- Certificate in Nutrition and Dietetic
- Certificate in Health Records & Information Technology
- Bachelor of Technology (Health Information Technology)
- Bachelor of Technology (Health and Hospital Services Management)
- Bachelor of Technology (Nutrition and Dietetics)
- Bachelor of Technology (Medical Laboratory Technology)
- Bachelor of Philosophy (Medical Laboratory Technology)
Kenya Polytechnic School of Social and Technology Studies Courses and Programmes Offered
- Short Courses in Stress Management
- Short Courses in Pre-marital Counselling
- Short Courses in Loss and Grief Counselling
- Short Courses in HIV/ AIDS Counselling (Holiday)
- Short Courses in Drug and Substance abuse (Holiday)
- Short Courses in Basic Counselling Skills
- Diploma in Technology in Library and Information Science
- Diploma in Technology in Disaster Management
- Diploma In Technology in Archives and Records Management
- Diploma in Social Work and Community Development
- Diploma in International Relations and Diplomacy
- Diploma in Counselling Psychology
- Certificate in Library Studies
- Certificate In Disaster Management
- Certificate in Counselling Psychology
- Certificate in Archives and Records Management
- Bachelor of Technology in Information Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in International Relations and Diplomacy
Kenya Polytechnic School of Hospitality and Tourism Management Courses and Programmes Offered
- Diploma in Tourism and Travel Management
- Diploma in Technology in Hotel and Restaurant Management
- Diploma in Event Management
- Certificate in Travel and Tours Operations
- Certificate in Tour Guiding
- Certificate in Food and Beverage Production and Service
- Certificate in Event Planning
- Bachelor of Technology in Tourism and Travel Management
- Bachelor of Technology in Hotel and Restaurant Management
- Bachelor of Technology in Event and Convention Management
Kenya Polytechnic School of Business and Management Studies Courses and Programmes Offered
- Short Courses in Storekeeping
- Short Courses in Shorthand
- Short Courses in Office Procedures
- Short Courses in Office Management
- Short Courses in Computerized Document Processing (CDP)
- Short Courses in Commerce
- Short Courses in Business English
- Short Courses in Business Calculations
- KASNEB ATC Intermediate & Final
- Diploma in Supplies Management
- Diploma in Secretarial Studies (Medical Secretarial)
- Diploma in Secretarial Studies (Legal Secretarial)
- Diploma in Secretarial Studies (Foreign Language Secretarial)
- Diploma in Secretarial Studies (Business Secretarial)
- Diploma in Secretarial Studies (Bachelor of Accountancy)
- Diploma in Management
- Diploma in Legal Studies
- Diploma in Business Studies (Sales and Marketing)
- Diploma in Business Studies (Procurement and Supplies Management)
- Diploma in Business Studies (Human Resource Management)
- Diploma in Business Studies (Business Administration)
- Diploma in Business Information Technology
- Diploma in Banking
- Diploma in Accountancy
- Certified Public Accountant (KASNEB CPA)
- Certificate in Supplies Management
- Certificate in Sales and Marketing
- Certificate in Procurement and Supplies Management
- Certificate in Business Studies
- Certificate in Business Information Technology
- Certificate in Business Administration
- Bachelor of Technology in Office Administration (B. Tech. OA)
- Bachelor of Technology in Business Information Technology
- Bachelor of Philosophy in Office Administration (B. Phil. Off. Admin.)
- Bachelor of Philosophy in Business Management (Sales and Marketing)
- Bachelor of Philosophy in Business Management (Human Resource)
- Bachelor of Philosophy in Business Management (Entrepreneurship)
- Bachelor of Philosophy in Business Management (Business Administration)
- Bachelor of Economics (R) and (P)
- Bachelor of Commerce in Sales and Marketing
- Bachelor of Commerce in Operations Management
- Bachelor of Commerce in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- Bachelor of Commerce in Insurance Management
- Bachelor of Commerce in Finance
- Bachelor of Commerce in Entrepreneurship Human Resource Management
- Bachelor of Commerce in Business Management
- Bachelor of Commerce in Business Information Technology
- Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting
- Bachelor of Arts in Legal Studies
- Advanced Certificate in Supplies Management
- Advanced Certificate in Business Administration
- ABE Diploma in Human Resource Management
- ABE Diploma in Business Management
- ABE Certificate in Human Resource Management
- ABE Certificate in Business Management
- ABE Advanced Diploma in Business Management
Kenya Polytechnic School of Creative Arts & Technologies Courses and Programmes Offered
- Higher Diploma in Printing Technology
- Diploma in Technology (Journalism and Public Relations)
- Diploma in Technology (Design)
- Diploma in Printing Technology
- Diploma in Printing and Packaging
- Diploma in Music
- Diploma in Graphic Design and Communication
- Diploma in Fashion Design and Garment Making
- Diploma in Clothing Technology
- Certificate in Print Origination
- Certificate in Print Finishing
- Certificate in Photography and Audio Visual
- Certificate in Music
- Certificate in Machine Printing
- Certificate in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy
- Certificate in Graphic Design
- Certificate in Fashion Design and Garment Making
- Book Repair Maintenance
- Bachelor of Technology in Journalism and Mass Communication
- Bachelor of Technology (Design)
- Bachelor of Philosophy (Printing)