KASNEB Fee Structure 2023 for CPA, ATD, DICT, DCM, CPS, CICT, CIFA, CCP, ATC, ICTT, IST FAQ, FSQ, CMT, APS-K, CPSP-K, Credit Retention, Rules and Regulations, Exemptions

KASNEB Fee Structure 2023 Registration, Timetable, Dates, CPA, exams offered by KASNEB

Below are the KASNEB Fee Structure 2023 and the explanations of how to prepare for these professional and diploma KASNEB exams CPA, ATD, DICT, DCM, CPS, CICT, CIFA, CCP, ATC, ICTT, IST FAQ, FSQ, CMT, APS-K, CPSP-K

KASNEB Fee Structure 2023

As from 1st October 2018, the fee structure was changed and below is the link to the current KASNEB Exam Fee Structure.

You can visit the KASNEB website http://www.kasneb.or.ke then click on fee structure or Download the Structure here: Fees structure


Payment through student portal: Students are advised to use student portal link https:online.kasneb.or.ke/. A detailed guide regarding this mode of payment may be obtained from Kasneb website www.kasneb.or.ke.

Payment through bank fee collection accounts: Students may also pay fees through the Kasneb fee collection accounts in any branch of the following banks:

👉KCB Bank Ltd. – Account No.1203681194

👉National Bank of Kenya Ltd. – Account No. 01001031572601

👉 KCB Dollar Account No.1123096465 – (For Students based outside Kenya)

Note: Students are advised to utilise the above payment channels as cash payments will NOT
be accepted at Kasneb offices.

Students planning to sit examinations outside Kenya are advised to pay the applicable fees in US dollars.

KASNEB Exam Booking

To book for the KASNEB exam, follow this link to your Student portal

KASNEB Exam Timetable

The KASNEB exam timetable can be downloaded online through this Student portal

Candidates who had not created an account on the student portal are required to do so in order to access examination timetable as follows:

👉On the website click on the student login link then choose the student icon or proceed to click the student icon if you use the direct link online.kasneb.or.ke to the student portal.

👉Click on create account and select whether you have Student Registration Number or not and proceed to provide names, preferred email address and a strong password (which will be used for future access to self information) and click save.

👉Provide the email address and password used when creating the account and click unlock to login in.

👉Select the “Registration Details” tab.

👉Access the “Course Choice” tab.

👉Select the examination from the dropdown box, click on the “Yes” checkbox and provide the registration number without the prefix (e.g. if your registration number is NAC/68148, provide 68148 as the registration number) and click save.

👉Select the “Examination Timetable” tab.

👉Click on “print” to print the pdf version or “Send to email” to send to your email address.

Candidates who already have an account should proceed from step 3 above.

KASNEB Exam – KASNEB Professional Examinations

KASNEB Exam Registration, Booking, Fee Structure, Timetable Dates, KASNEB Exam - CPA, ATD, DICT, DCM, CPS, CICT, CIFA, CCP, ATC, ICTT, IST FAQ, FSQ, CMT, APS-K, CPSP-K, Credit Retention, Rules, Regulations, Exemptions, Bank
KASNEB Exam Registration, Booking, Fee Structure, Timetable Dates

KASNEB Exam – Certified Public Accountants (CPA)

Certified Public Accountants are skilled and competent professional accountants, auditors, finance managers, tax consultants and practitioners.

KASNEB Exam – Certified Secretaries (CS)

Certified Public Secretaries are expert practitioners in corporate governance, corporate secretarial practice, consultancy, business management and administration and human resources management.

KASNEB Exam Certified Information Communication Technologists (CICT)

Certified Information Communication Technologists are skilled and competent system developers and programmers, network administrators, systems engineers, ICT consultants and practitioners.

KASNEB Exam Certified Investment and Financial Analysts (CIFA)

Certified Investment and Financial Analysts are experts in financial analysis, consultants and practitioners in investments and securities, portfolio management of retirement benefits schemes and investment banking.

KASNEB Exam Certified Credit Professionals (CCP)

Certified Credit Professionals are skilled and competent top level managers, practitioners and consultants in the rapidly developing field of credit management.

KASNEB Exam – KASNEB Diploma Examinations

KASNEB Exam – Accounting Technicians Diploma (ATD)

The Accounting Technicians Diploma qualification equips candidates with skills and competencies to work as middle level accountants providing technical support in accounting, auditing and taxation.

KASNEB Exam – Diploma in Information Communication Technology (DICT)

Diploma in Information Communication Technology qualification equips candidates with skills and competencies to work in the dynamic ICT industry as technicians in systems development, systems programming, administration and maintenance.

KASNEB Exam – Diploma in Credit Management (DCM)

Diploma in Credit Management qualification equips candidates with skills and competencies to work as technicians in credit management and credit control in both financial and non-financial enterprises.

KASNEB Exam Credit Retention

Read the policies and regulations that govern the credit retention in KASNEB here Policies_and_Credit_Retention

KASNEB Bank Accounts

Students are advised that payment of fees for registration, examinations, renewal, exemptions and students’ identity card and related services can be made through the following banks:

👉National Bank of Kenya Ltd. (NBK) – KASNEB fee collection account No. 01001031572601.

👉Equity Bank Ltd. – KASNEB fee collection account No. 0170299238025.

👉Kenya Post Office Savings Bank (Postbank) – KASNEB fee collection account No. 0744130009246.

👉Co-operative Bank of Kenya Ltd – KASNEB fee collection account No. 01129128535900.

Payment of fees may be made to the above KASNEB fee collection accounts in any of the branches of National Bank of Kenya Ltd., Equity Bank Ltd., Kenya Post Office Savings Bank (Postbank) or Co-operative Bank of Kenya Ltd. using the appropriate fee deposit slips which are available at all branches of these banks countrywide.

However, Kenya Post Office Savings Bank (Postbank) does not require students to complete a deposit slip.

Students are required to complete the appropriate KASNEB forms and the relevant fee deposit slips as appropriate.

Upon payment of requisite fees to the banks, a cash deposit receipt will be issued to the payee. The completed KASNEB forms should be left with the banks for onward transmission to KASNEB.

The forms may be obtained from KASNEB offices, Training institutions offering KASNEB courses, Kenya National Library Services branches countrywide or downloaded from KASNEB website.

KASNEB Exam Course exemptions

KASNEB exempts certain students – who have already studied certain courses in recognized universities and Colleges – from having to sit for the same courses with KASNEB.

Here is the list of the policies and the courses eligible for exemption from the KASNEB required courses. General_Guidelines_for_exemption

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About Laban Thua Gachie 30968 Articles
I am a proud Kenyan. I have a Bachelors Degree in Communication and Media Technology from Maseno University. I am an Online Content Developer for Kenyanlife.com and Catholicreadings.org. My passion is helping others realize their passions and dreams so that they can live a decent and fulfilling life.