How to Check All KASNEB Results for 2023 Exams Online and Via SMS – April, July, August, November and December 2023 Exams: CPA, ATD, DICT, DCM, CS, CICT, CIFA, CCP

Those students who sat for their CPA, ATD, DICT, DCM, CS, CICT, CIFA, CCP in April 2023 can access their KASNEB Results online through the KASNEB Interactive Student portal.

If you have forgotten your login details, you can follow the recovery instructions HERE

To know your results via SMS, please send your registration number to 20558, using the following format: NAC/00000

To get your Kasneb April 2023 results, send your registration number in the format “NAC/00000” to 20558.


KASNEB Results for August 2022 Exams – CPA, ATD, DICT, DCM, CS, CICT, CIFA, CCP

Students who had sat for the KASNEB examinations in August can now access their Exam Results for August 2022 via SMS and online through the KASNEB Student portal famously Known as KASNEB Interactive.

The KASNEB June and December Results that will be accessed are listed below

  1. Certified Public Accountants (CPA)
  2. Certified Secretaries (CS)
  3. Certified Information Communication Technologists (CICT)
  4. Certified Investment and Financial Analysts (CIFA)
  5. Certified Credit Professionals (CCP)
  6. Accounting Technicians Diploma (ATD),
  7. Diploma in Information Communication Technology (DICT)
  8. Diploma in Credit Management (DCM)

KASNEB April, July, August, November and December Results – KASNEB Student Portal / Website

You can access the KASNEB Student portal by clicking on this link

Candidates who have not created an account on the KASNEB student portal are required to do so in order to access their June Results and December Results.

KASNEB Results for November/December 2018 - CPA, ATD, DICT, DCM, CS, CICT, CIFA, CCP
Exam Results for May, June, November, December – CPA, ATD, DICT, DCM, CS, CICT, CIFA, CCP
  1. On the website click on the student login link then choose the student icon or proceed to click the student icon if you use the direct link to the student portal.
  2. Click on create an account and select whether you have Student Registration Number or not and proceed to provide names, preferred email address and a strong password (which will be used for future access to self-information) and click save.
  3. Provide the email address and password used when creating the account and click unlock to login in.
  4. Select the “Registration Details” tab.
  5. Access the “Course Choice” tab.
  6. Select the examination from the dropdown box, click on the “Yes” checkbox and provide the registration number without the prefix (e.g. if your registration number is NAC/68148, provide 68148 as the registration number) and click save.
  7. Select the “Examination Results” tab.
  8. Click on “print” to print the pdf version or “Send to email” to send to your email address.

Candidates who already have an account should proceed from step 3 above.

KASNEB April, July, August, November and December Results via SMS

(This service applies only for Safaricom subscribers only).

Candidates should send an SMS to 20558 using the following format to access their examination results: Kasneb/registration number. Example, Kasneb/nac/68148 where nac/68148 is the registration number of the candidate.

The SMS service is charged at a premium rate of Sh. 10 per SMS

KASNEB April, July, August, November and December Results Notifications

Candidates are advised that KASNEB June and December Exam Results notifications will be sent to all candidates by post using the contact address provided by candidates.

You are advised to promptly inform KASNEB in writing in case of a change in your address.

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About Laban Thua Gachie 30968 Articles
I am a proud Kenyan. I have a Bachelors Degree in Communication and Media Technology from Maseno University. I am an Online Content Developer for and My passion is helping others realize their passions and dreams so that they can live a decent and fulfilling life.