Bukura Agricultural College KUCCPS Admission Letters 2019/2020 Download, KUCCPS Admission List, Courses, Contacts, Location
KUCCPS Admissions Board has released the KUCCPS Admission List for the Year 2019. Follow these links to view the Bukura Agricultural College KUCCPS Admission List 2019 and Bukura Agricultural College KUCCPS Admission Letters 2019 Download
Bukura Agric. College Basic and Applied Science Department
- Zoology
- Statistics
- Principles of Genetics
- Plant physiology
- Physical Science
- Microbiology and Plant Pathology
- Mathematics
- Information and Communication Technology
- Human anatomy and physiology
- Genetics of Crops and Livestock Improvement
- General microbiology
- Fundamentals of computing
- Environmental science
- Ecology and Environmental Science
- Chemistry
- Cell and molecular biology
- Botany
- Biochemistry
- Applied Physics
- Diploma in Horticulture
- Diploma in Food Science and Nutrition.
- Diploma in Farm Business Management;
- Diploma in Animal Production and Health Management
- Diploma in Agriculture, Human Ecology and Consumer Science
- Diploma in Agriculture, Consumer Education and Human Ecology; and
- Diploma in Agriculture and Biotechnology
- Diploma in Agricultural Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
- Diploma in Agricultural Extension and Community Development
- Diploma in Agricultural Education and Extension
- Diploma in Agribusiness Management and Marketing
- Certificate in Mushroom Production
- Certificate in Data Analysis with SPSS
- Certificate in Computer User Support, Repair and Maintenance
- Certificate in Computer Packages (Computer Packages)
- Certificate in Computer Applications
- Certificate in Agricultural Information Management Systems (AIMS)
- Bridging in Mathematics
- Bridging in Chemistry
Bukura Agricultural College Contacts, Location, Address
Postal Address: P.O Box 23 -50105 Bukura
Landline Telephone: 020-3505479
Fax : 020 – 2349265
Email: Principal@bukuracollege.ac.ke
Website: www.bukuracollege.ac.ke