Bomet Teachers Training College Courses Contacts, Location, Website
Bomet Teachers Training College Courses Offered, Student Portal Login, elearning, Website, Application Forms Download, Fee Structure, Bank Account, Mpesa Paybill, KUCCPS Admission List and Letters, Telephone Mobile Number, Admission Requirements, Intake, Registration, Contacts, Location, Address, Graduation, Opening Date, Timetable, Accommodation, Hostel Room Booking
Bomet Teachers Training College Contacts, Location, Address
Physical Location: P.O Box 51-20400 Bomet
Physical Address: Bomet Town
Postal Address: P.O. Box 51-20400 Bomet
Telephone: 020-2119004
Mobile: 0733520014, 0723418651
Bomet Teachers Training College Courses and Programmes Offered
- Proficiency Certificate in Early Childhood Development and Education (ECDE)
- Primary Teacher Education Certificate (P1)
- Diploma in Special Needs Education (Special Needs)
- Diploma in Early Childhood Development and Education (Early Childhood Development)
- Certificate in Early Childhood and Development (Early Childhood and Development)