Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology MMUST Certificate Courses, Admission Requirements, Intake, Business Management, Information Technology
# Certificate in Team Building and Life Skills Training
# Certificate in Social Work & Community Development
# Certificate in Criminology & Criminal Justice
# Certificate in Radio Broadcasting
# Certificate in Leadership and Professional Development
# Certificate in Innovation
# Certificate in Information Technology
# Certificate in Humanitarian Assistance and Conflict Resolution
# Certificate in Forensic Science, Banking Fraud and Money Laundering Investigations
# Certificate in Ethics and Corruption Studies
# Certificate in Environmental Infrastructure, Engineering and Maintenance
# Certificate in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Audit and Planning Logistics
# Certificate in Emergency Planning and Disaster Management
# Certificate in Disaster Preparedness and Risk Management
# Certificate in Disaster Preparedness and Engineering Reconstruction
# Certificate in Disaster management (Options)
# Certificate in Disaster Epidemiology and Health
# Certificate in Corruption Research, Monitoring and Evaluation
# Certificate in Corruption Prevention Methods
# Certificate in Corruption Detection, Reporting and the Legal Framework
# Certificate in Conflict Management and Resolution
# Certificate in Capacity Building in ICT and Pedagogy
# Certificate in Business Management
# Certificate in Advanced Management
# Bridging Certificate in Mathematics, English, Chemistry, Physics and Biology

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology – MMUST Schools and Faculties
- The School of Open, Distance and E-Learning
- The School of Open Learning and Continuing Education (SOLACE)
- The Center for Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance (CDMHA)
- School of Public Health, Biomedical Sciences and Technology (SPHBST)
- School of Nursing and Midwifery
- School of Medicine
- School of Graduate Studies
- School of Business and Economics
- School of Agriculture, Veterinary Science and Technology
- Faculty of Science
- Faculty of Engineering
- Faculty of Education and Social Sciences