Continental College of Professional Studies Nairobi Contacts
Continental College of Professional Studies Nairobi Contacts, Courses Offered, Student Portal Login, elearning, Website, Application Forms Download, Fee Structure, Bank Account, Mpesa Paybill, KUCCPS Admission List and Letters, Telephone Mobile Number, Admission Requirements, Intake, Registration, Location, Address, Graduation, Opening Date, Timetable, Accommodation, Hostel Room Booking
Continental College of Professional Studies Nairobi Contacts, Location, Address
Physical Address: Posta Sacco Plaza, 2nd Floor, University Way
Postal Address: P.O. Box 48447-00100, Nairobi
Location: Nairobi County
Telephone Number: 020-2214218
Telephone Number 2: 020-2214148
Continental College of Professional Studies Nairobi Courses and Programmes Offered
- Web Design Specialist (Web Design)
- Higher Diploma in Archives and Records Management (Archives and Records Management)
- Diploma in Land Survey (Land Survey)
- Diploma in Community Health Nursing (Community Health Nursing)
- Diploma in Actuarial Science (Actuarial Science)
- Certificate in Web Journalism Techniques (Web Journalism Techniques)
- Certificate in Web Development (Web Development)
- Certificate in Web Design and Development (Web Design)
- Certificate in Web Design and Administration (Web Design)
- Certificate in Web Design (Web Design)
- Certificate in Networking and System Administration (Networking and System Administration)
- Certificate in Networking (Computer Networking)
- Certificate in Computer Repair and Maintenance (Computer Repair and Maintenance)
- Certificate in Computer Programming (Computer Programming)
- Certificate in Computer Operation (Computer Operation)
- Certificate in Computer Networking (Computer Networking)
- Certificate in Computer Maintenance and Network Technology (Computer Maintenance and Network Technology)
- Certificate in Computer Aided Drawing and Design (CADD)